Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gaining a sense of self...

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the Saturday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that will get things posted on the go despite a smartphone being less then smart right now.  Yes, I am still in limbo on the phone front...hopefully when the battery arrives this week all is well (*fingers crossed*). Anywho, you didn't come by to listen to me whine about my came for some bookish fun and that's what I aim to provide.

Today we are taking an early peek at a Children's Storybook that publishes next week (January 11th, 2013 to be precise).  In it we find the further adventures of one Lucky Lily as she continues growing up before our very eyes and providing little ones with lessons from life that can be hard to grasp at a young age.  Ready to read all about it?  Here we go! Today's book of choice is...

Rebecca Perlman Coniglio, LCSW
illustrated by
Jen Mundy

Lily may look familiar to those that have been with my site for a while as books 1 and 2 were both previously featured here.  In the latest installment of this ever growing and growing up series, Lily is learning and sharing two more valuable lessons.  The first tale addresses the age old question every parent has heard at some point from their children, whether they be only or one of many...why can't I have a brother or sister?  There's something about little ones and their desire to never be all alone that's endearing and can easily sway Mommy or Daddy into thinking anothrr child may be the best solution but as Lucky Lily's mother puts it...two is fine, three is grand but she herself fills her heart with so much love and life there is no need for another.  She explains this to Lily in terms she can understand while making certain she feels loved through and through. Rather touching and definitiely something this only child understands...

Story two in the book tackles that day dreaded by parents and children alike...the first day of school.  Exciting once you reach a certain age (especially with the new school supplies! ^_^) or if you are extremely outgoing child, but the separation issues that arise and feelings of abandonment can definitely leave everyone in a tizzy.  Good thing Lily is such a sweetheart and encounters some great new friends and teachers along the way that help make her first day and those that follow go by in a flurry of nw activities and learning so that before she knows it, it's time to be reunited with mommy once again...and she's no worse for wear; in fact, she's an even happier version of her self.  Does this happen with every child's first days of school? Sadly, no; but the more prepared we are both as children AND adults, the easier we can make that transition into a world of life long learning for all.

In short, a great new addition to the Lily series highly recommended for teachers, parents and the lucky little ones in your life.  She'll bring a smile to your face, warmth to your heart and leave you with another way to enrich the lives of those around you.  Add all of that to the WONDERFUL illustrations and you've got another reason to agree that Lily is Lucky indeed.

Review copy received courtesy of the author.  (THANKS!) For more information about this series as well as ways to reach Ms. Coniglio, seek out the official website or find her on Facebook.

Until next time...happy reading!



  1. A very useful review, thanks. As our niece is about to put her son's name down for nursery school I'm sure book 2 will prove helpful.

  2. Great review! This sounds like an adorable series with great lessons!
