Thursday, January 24, 2013

I can see the light...and the sign...and the stars...and FREE GLASSES for YOU!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be if you're a reader in need of a bookish break from your day; happy to oblige...although today's break is a little bit different.  How so?'s book related and yet not.  You'll see...and no, this isn't a spammy post.  Promise.  ^_^

If you're like me, you LOVE to read...and let's face it, you probably wouldn't have stopped by if you didn't but you may mirror me in another way as well.  What way you might ask?  The need of glasses.  Yep.  If you're a glass wearing citizen of the world, you are not alone; I too depend on them to enjoy the sites I see and though my need is for distance, yours might be for the very pages before your eyes.  No worries!  That's what they're there for but might I ask when was the last time you picked up a new pair?  Uh-huh.  That's what I thought.

If you had to think about it for a second, worries, but if you had to REALLY think about it, it's probably time for a check up.  I was the later and so when I received an awesome invitation from to try out a pair of their glasses free (in exchange for posting my honest experience, of course), I jumped at the chance. Sound too good to be true?  Believe me, I thought so too...but you know me, I did a little research; here's what I discovered. is the world's most popular online eyeglasses store. Years of expertise in optical industry enable to offer varieties of prescription eyewear to the consuming public in high quality yet at extremely affordable prices.The low prices in never compromise the quality of eyewear while treating the quality and services to consumers as top priority. fully understands that prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses are classified and regulated by FDA as Class I medical device, therefore multiple inspections of eyewear by our team are being executed before shipping to our customers to ensure 100% accuracy of prescriptions, enhancing the physical well-being of our feels each satisfied customer is the priceless wealth who helps spread the word. Only our valued and satisfied customers can further solidify our position as the leading online optical store in the world.


Pretty cool, right?  I mean just the idea of getting quality eyeglasses at lower prices should be enough to capture your attention but when you add in the fact that they have designer frames and you get free shipping on orders over $49've struck gold.  So, what's a bloggy girl to do?  
I accepted their offer and set out to try the site out for myself.  One eye exam (as I was due for one), a few keystrokes and several dozen clicks of the mouse later (what can I say, when I found out I could upload my photo to virtually try on the glasses before making my final decision...I totally had to try on like ALL of them... ^_^) and BAM!  My free pair was on its way to me.  

The turnaround time on everything was amazing at less than a week, especially considering that they were delivered to my door complete with a hard case, soft case, cleaning cloth and mini repair kit.  So far, so good...but I had to see more.  Commence opening package and exploring the goodies inside...

My chosen pair.  I stuck with the slightly heavier frames (like I currently wear) but went with a different shape and color than I've had before.  In hand, they feel sturdy, look like your typical high-fashion frames and though one might think them hefty, they're considerably light!  A greatly appreciated combination when one has to wear them pretty much twenty four seven.  The case options provided were wonderful so that no matter where I am or the space available to me, I have a way to protect them should they be off my face for any length of time.  Yep, things are pretty great but now it was time for the BIG reveal.  According to my virtual try on, they should look pretty good but my bigger concern was whether or not the prescription would be accurate to what I entered.  (The process of gathering the information from your prescription is easy and provided for you on the site, but the proof is in the pudding...)  Time for the try on. Oh come on, those of you that wear glasses for pleasure or need can totally sympathize, seeing them in person and on your face is a totally different experience than catalog or online shopping.  
Here goes...



So...what do you think?  I'm pleased and my worries about the prescription were put to rest as soon as I put them on.  Right on target.  Can't wait to see what my coworkers think when I head back to job two in a few days.  *hehe*  Anyway, I have to say overall I had a POSITIVE experience.  Customer Service was in touch with me every step of the way so had I encountered a problem or question, I can only imagine that they would have been perceptive. 

Now...I've got something ELSE you're gonna want to know about this put your reading glasses on if necessary and take note!  There's a special program for FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS where you get a FREE PAIR of eyeglasses!  That's right!  Choose from a myriad of frames, prescription or non and all you have to pay is shipping & handling.  According to the site, the 5-7 business day shipping is about $15-$16 tell me where you're gonna get a deal like that right out the door?  That's what I thought.
So take a chance and score a FAB pair for you, a family member or friend all for the cost of shipping!  Head on over to and see a new version of YOU for a whole lot less.  Special thanks to for the chance to bring this special to you and the chance to check out their wares and share my honest experience.  (THANKS!) For more information on the site, the program mentioned, or to check out their huge selection of available frames to feel your need or fashion desires, stop by their site, like them on Facebook, follow along on Twitter, add them to your circle on Google+ or pin them on Pinterest.

Until next time...SPREAD THE WORD...and happy reading!


  1. Love the glasses! You picked a great pair, as they're really flattering! Thanks for the heads up on the free pair offer!
