Wednesday, January 9, 2013

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Purrs of Wisdom by Ingrid King + Contest!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place to meet for good friends, great reads, and a complete and utter acceptance of your bookish ways; hey, I’m guilty of them too!  ^_^

Today, we are joining in on the tail end of a blog tour from Pump Up Your Book (the fact that it is the tail end of it will come into play later, just remember that fact…).  It’s a celebratory BOOK BLAST for an unusual title featuring life lessons from an author whose “been there done that”…and learned a lot from her cat!  That’s right.  Life lessons from our furry friends…but then again, that’s not really SO strange a concept now is it (at least to those of us that are or have been lucky enough to have a fur baby of our own)?  

They are quite the inspirational little critters if I do say so myself, and though my pet tendencies are geared more towards the canine variety, I've still got a soft spot for cats too.  How about you?  Cat or dog or something else all together person?  No matter in the end because everyone can learn a little something from their pet pals if only they are willing to take the time to acknowledge their views on life.  So, without further ado, let’s take a look at today’s BOOK BLAST honoree…

Conscious Living, Feline Style

Purrs of Wisdom is a collection of essays featuring lessons in conscious living, inspired by the cats who have shared the author’s life.  From help with every day challenges to inspiration on living a joyful life, this compilation provides encouragement, guidance, and enlightenment, feline style.  Whether it’s creating balance, navigating turbulent times, or finding the magic in life’s ordinary moments, there’s something for everyone in this book.

Chapters include:
The Healing Power of the Purr
Making Time for Contemplation
Routine as the Key to Happiness
Purging Can Make You Purr
Healthy Cats, Healthy Human
The stories may remind readers of lessons their own cats have taught them, provide “aha” moments, or simply bring a smile.  The book is best enjoyed with a cat curled up on your lap.


Author Ingrid King
Sounds like something to brighten a down day or a great way to reflect on life in general, though I’ll have to substitute a pup for the cat curled in my lap part of the experience.  ^_^  Believe it or not, this is NOT the first book like this I’ve seen…let alone read, but they never fail to offer up interesting insights into what might be deemed as otherwise normal behavior and those different perspectives are what keep them original. 

So far the book has been getting rave reviews, so if you are feline inclined, know someone who is, or simply wish to take a walk on the kitty side of life, feel free to seek thee out a copy of this pet-ucational (yep, made that up… ^_^) read.  This book was released October 2012; stop by Amazon to pick up your copy today….or you could take a chance on winning a copy and then some!  Remember that part of “tail end of the tour” I mentioned earlier?  HERE’S where it comes into play…

Thanks to the great folks over at Pump Up Your Book and in conjunction with the author herself, I am pleased to present you with a chance to WIN this title…and then some!  The “then some” equates to a $25 gift card…pretty cool, right?  One minor detail, your window to submit your entry is REALLY small as the contest ends JANUARY 11th, 2013!  So, you know what to do…submit your entry below and spread the word STAT!

Special thanks to Pump Up Your Book for the chance to participate in this tour.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this event, pay a visit to the official tour page; to check out what’s ahead, be sure to stop by their official website.  Interested in connecting via social media?  They can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Google+; feel free to friend, follow or like today!

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Much more of a cat person, I know first hand the healing power of the purr.

  2. Kitty cats are good for the soul, any animal is. :) We have both here. And when that cat purrs or the dog relaxes completely when petting it, it's wonderful and relaxing for me. :)

  3. Sounds adorable! I love both cats and dogs, and one day want to have my very own Incredible Journey trio! :)
