Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Taste Testing Tuesdays

Hi guys!
Time for a quick teaser Tuesday post on the fly. Why on the fly? Well, life
has been a bit of a challenge recently but that doesn't mean that we can't
still revel in the bookish fun we encounter, am I right? With that in mind,
I give you today's tease... and the first glimpse for both of us of my
latest read in progress...

Hallowed Circle
Linda Robertson

I probably would have given more thought to why he wasn't coming back
tonight, but Beverley was eager to handle a knife. That kept me well
grounded in the moment. --pg 102 I get the grounded part but who isn't coming back? Why is the
child eager for the knife? Tell me tell me tell me! *ahem* Yes, to say I'm
anxious would be an accurate assessment. =)

So... What are you reading this week?
Do tell!


  1. this sounds good and I love the teasers! Hope life gets less crazy and yes we all need bookish moments!

  2. Now I'm intrigued.

    Not my usual kind of read I know but I'm about to begin a book to find out if you can learn to be happy.

  3. A knife? Sounds like it's about to get dangerous.

  4. So would the man have been guarding her then? And now she relies on a knife. Oh I do like this. Thanks for the teaser!
