Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BLOG TOUR: Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? by Julie Middleton - Review + Contest!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please the readers in you...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

No, that wasn't a typo either.  I mean the "readers" in you because let's face it, sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you...wait a second, that's not what I was saying.  *ahem*  Sometimes you're in the mood for one type of book, sometimes another but it doesn't mean you've forsaken the first or forgotten about the myriad of genres out there in the reading world.  It's called a readers prerogative to read what they like, when they like, and (nowsadays) the way they like...which with all things considered, I totally support.  So while we may have started the week with a Paranormal/Fantasy review, followed it up with a MG/YA tease yesterday....don't ever arrive here thinking you KNOW what bookish world I'll be in next; surprising you is half the fun!  ^_^  (Well, fun for me anyway...hehe.) Speaking of fun...

Today's post is celebrating a Children's Storybook that just hit the published scene a few weeks back and it just so happens to be making its way through the blogosphere spreading the word on just how ginormously fabulous it truly is.  No really, ginormous is the PERFECT term for it...after all, a few of the stars are dinosaurs.  ^_^  So without further adieu, let's take a look at today's guest and book of choice courtesy of Peachtree Publishers....

Julie Middleton
Illustrated by 
Russell Ayto

Dad takes Dave to the museum. As they walk through the dinosaur exhibit, Dave tries to get his father's attention. Why is this one grinning and why is that one interested in Dave's lunch? But Dad is too busy telling Dave all there is to know about these amazing creatures to notice that they've sprung to life! Dave gets the feeling that Dad has one hugely important fact very, very wrong...

When I was reading this one, I was reminded of a trip my Mom took me on back in my childhood to the Museum of Natural History.  It was a fabulous site filled with wonders of times gone by but most memorably, a ginormous T-Rex skeleton hanging ever so delicately in the main lobby.  It really made an impression on me (and my tote bag souvenir which I still have to this day... ^_^) speaking not only of how much larger critters were back then (probably the most immediately lesson seeing as how I was a wee one myself), but of just how fragile life in its many forms can be.  One second they're here and the next explosion, meteor, volcano eruption, earthquake (heck, even evolution in a way) later...POOF.  No more.  It really puts things in perspective, the whole "don't sweat the small stuff" bit and all because seriously, I doubt that Mr. Rex was worried if HIS butt looked big in this lighting or that when he was making his way in the world, providing food for his family and generally trying to rule the dino know what I mean?  Of course you do, but I digress...

Aside from a trip down memory lane, this story provides readers with a simple yet enchanting way to not only learn about the various dinosaurs mentioned but a chance to use their imaginations along with Dave.  I mean who hasn't seen a dinosaur wink or an elephant fly for that matter, right?  Right!  Dave's adventure with dear old Dad takes him from exhibit to exhibit where each illustrated room holds educational fun and smiles.  From the pronunciation keys for the scientific names to the friendly little signs that point out the biggest area to watch around any given dinosaur, there is something to be taken away from every encounter...I mean page.  *ahem*  What's that?  You want to know what I meant by encounter? Pfft!  Nothing.  I mean, the dinosaurs all died a REALLY long time ago...right? ~whistles~

In conclusion, a strikingly illustrated, fun learning adventure fit for all might even coin it edutainment, with a twist (which comes at the end...a BIG surprise!).  Little ones will get a kick out of the adventure without things getting too scary, while older readers enjoy the small details (and new facts!) picked up along the way.  Just don't be surprised if by books end you have jump started the dino lover in you and yours...perhaps picking up a nice brochure to plan a trip to your nearest dino-friendly museum would be considered appropriate additional reading material to grab along with your copy of this great new title.  ^_^

Be sure to check out the ENTIRE tour, the listing for which can be found over on the publisher's blog, as it makes it's way through the blogosphere.  Yesterday they were at Teach with Picture Books and There's a, here (obviously ^_^) and Boys to Books...tomorrow, A Word's Worth and It's About Time, MaMaw.  Ah yes, the fun never ends...and speaking of fun...

Now's your chance to get in on the fun in another exciting way.  Yep, you guessed's CONTEST TIME!  Thanks to the fabulous team over at Peachtree Publishers (~waves~), I have the chance to give you the opportunity to win a copy of this wonderful little book to call your own.  But what type of contest to throw for a prehistoric celebration such as this?  I "hmm-ed" and "haw-ed" but in the end, I could only think of one.  A share the love fest for both the book and your love of dinosaurs!  Here's all the details...


The prize...

(1) copy of ARE THE DINOSAURS DEAD, DAD? by Julie Middleton

How to enter...
...a prehistoric celebration brought me back to the old school contest days.
Just click HERE and fill out the form!

I kept things easy peasey for your main entry but if you want a few EXTRA bonus points, they are there for the taking, the biggest of which is me inviting you to SHARE YOUR FAVORITE DINOSAUR and why you love them so!  Oh come on, admit it.  There is at least ONE dinosaur you liked a smidgen more than the others for one reason or another...and now is your chance to share it with the world and score yourself some AWESOME bonus points.  Yep, you see?  I'm totally nice.  That's not even the required entry...but it IS the most fun so I say, to share is definitely divine in this case.  ^_^   

The rules...
Open to U.S. residents only; no P.O. Boxes please.  Entries accepted Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 through Friday, March 8th, 2013 at midnight C.S.T.  Winner will be contacted by Monday, March 11th, 2013 and have 48 hours to respond with their FULL NAME and mailing address to be sent to the publisher for prize send out (if they chose not to include it in the initial entry of course).  If a response is not received within the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.  


Sound good?
I thought it might.

Special thanks to Emily at Peachtree Publishers for the chance to participate in this blog tour as well as the review copy and giveaway.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete collection of bookish wonders, be sure to visit them online, check out their blog, like them on Facebook, pin them on Pinterest or follow along on Twitter.  

Until next time...have at it beautiful people...and happy reading!


  1. I think my favorite dinosaur - for quirky reasons - has to be T-Rex. That's the one with the teeny tiny arms, right? Huge legs, tiny arms in relation to body and head.

    But then there's the Pterydactl.....flying dinosaur, precursor to our birds (I believe)....

    Nah - it's T-Rex. T-REX! ;)

  2. Sounds like a great read. Not exactly a dinosaur I know but as there aren't any cuddly ones that I know of my favourite extinct creature has to be the ice age mammoth.

  3. I looove the look and sound of this one. Great review sweetie and thanks for the awesome contest.

  4. Mardel: ^_^ Love the indecisiveness as both have big draws, plus it made me smile. Oh and you're right on both counts!

    Petty Witter: True true...not many you'd want to "cuddle" but nice choice there! I wonder if they were anything like the ones in the Ice Age movies... ^_^

    Juju: Thanks my friend! ^_^

  5. Is it sad that I don't have a favorite?

  6. Juju: Not at all... ^_^ Sometimes it's hard to pick just one.

  7. Oh this looks cute! And a great way to read about dinosaurs. :) Thank you!

  8. Woohoo! Such a fun book and review! Thanks friend!!

  9. Pterydactal because it can fly

  10. velociraptors cause they are fiesty :P

  11. Oh, I just ran across this book recently. My son would LOVE this one. Thanks for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop. :)
