Monday, February 4, 2013

Expressions of Love for All Ages from Xist Publishing!

Why hello there!
Happy Monday and welcome back to another week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Before we get started, a reminder that you have TWO great chances to win right now on the blog…both of which end THIS WEEK!  So before you leave today, be sure to get your entries in.  
*checks remind fabulous readers about contest off the to-do list*
Now then, on to today’s post…

It’s February…in case you forgot to change your calendar which would be TOTALLY easy because let’s face it, this year is FLYING by…and guess what that means?  Only so many odd days til the big V…Valentine’s Day.  That’s right.  As of today, you have 10 days left to figure out what you are or are not going to do for that special someone in your life (or for all us singles out there, for yourself) on this Hallmark-ishly charged day.  So, what shall it be?  Candles?  Flowers?  Chocolates?  Dinner and a movie?  Seeing as we’re all a bit on the bookish side, how about a book?  What a novel idea (pun TOTALLY intended) and as it just so happens, that brings me right to today’s featured titles; funny how that happens, no?  ^_^  Now before you head off into uncharted reading waters, no; they’re not THAT kind of book (although to each their own) but rather ones you can even share with the little ones in your life let alone your significant other.  Interested?  I thought you might be so without further ado, let's get down to today's COMBO post.  

Oh.  I did mention this was a 2-for-1 deal, right?  My apologies!  It is in fact a two-fer and a grand one at that because both titles are adorably wonderful image wise and just right to express your sentiments to or about the one(s) you love.  So, ready the count come the books!

Calee M. Lee
illustrated by
 Tricia Tharp

This ebook features a collection of similes appearing on torn out sheets of notepad paper (nice touch!) as the giver tries to explain the depth of their love for their child.  A dog and its bone.  A secret to an ear (love that one!).  A pillow fort.  A shooting star (so beautiful!).  Some are more obvious associations, others not so much but they stretch the imagination and paired with the adorably cute drawings that appear as a combination of artistic measure and a child's coloring book, you've got a winning combination sure to warm the hearts of readers of all ages...with children and without because really, who can't appreciate a good picture book?!  In fact, though being featured at this lovey-dovey time of year, I can totally see this being used as a token of love felt, shared ANY time of year.  Now back to the holiday fast approaching and another title primed for the picking...

by Brenda Ponnay

I hesitate to call this one an ebook per se simply because the two page spreads of graphically simple yet enjoyable images and short but sweet sayings make it the PERFECT Valentine card pull out instead.  I mean seriously, who knew a little owl hooting "Whoooo loves you?" could be THAT cute!  From puppies to kitties, foxes to rockets and everything in between, there is something to cover everyone on your Valentine list and if it's not too punny to say...I'll think sharing this book with your special someone's will definitely make you the cat's meow.  ^_^

So, Valentine's's fast approach can send some running especially if you've no idea what to get or do. How's about sharing the joy of reading with those you love this year and put a smile on the faces of the little ones (and not so little ones) in your life with sentiments straight from the heart?  SO much simpler than flowers (though those do smell nice) and much easier to send across the miles (melted candy...not such a winner)....

Ebooks for review courtesy of Calee at Xist Publishing.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles or their complete and growing catalog of colorful digital wonders, be sure to visit their official website.  These ebooks are available now at an online retailer near you.  For a quick jump over to snag a copy to call your own, just click on the links embedded in the titles.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Definitely are and I can TOTALLY see you and Baby Whimsy sharing a moment with them. ^_^
