Monday, February 11, 2013

Pandora's Box by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!

Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when the need to read strikes and you're in need of inspiration; don't worry, we've got you covered.

So, how was YOUR weekend my friends?  Exciting?  Relaxing?  Just another day that starts with an "S' and ends in a "Y"?  Here's hoping it was something to remember one way or the other.  As for me, a usual work weekend...but I did manage to scratch in a little reading time; grant it not as much as I would have liked, but some is better than none some days!  Surprisingly though, today's post features none of the books read over the past two days but something NEW...something EXCITING...something adorably cute that you simply must see!  Oh, and it also happens to be available as a FREE DOWNLOAD today over on Amazon.  Yep...totally is.  So, care to read all about it?  Let's!

Today's featured title came to my attention from the illustrious author of such works as Caarina the Cooking Fairy and Scram-pire but this time around features a slick feathered friend with great fashion sense itching with curiosity.  Believe me, you would too if you stumbled upon what she does!  It's another Children's ebook published with Kite Readers that will keep the kiddos young and young at heart enchanted for many reads to come.  Without further ado, today's book of choice is....

Illustrated by

Now hold's not what you're thinking.  It's not THAT Pandora's box...but rather a box frozen in ice that a little girl penguin named Pandora stumbles upon one day in her chosen outdoor adventure.  Hmm...a box frozen in ice at the bottom of the ocean...okay, so maybe there's a chance it IS that box after all... *-*  ...but no warning needed for the kiddos because this ebook is reader friendly.  Though everyone can walk away with a different impression on a book's message, my mind retained the proclamations of following the path that suits you best is ALWAYS the right option, believe in yourself and stand proud for who you are!  Of course, there is also the reminder that a little help from a friend (or they flippered, beaked or feathered) can go a long way...which always makes me think of those I hold dear and inserts a little smile into an otherwise unpredictable day.  ^_^  Quite heart warming while at the same time being chill-fully, let's talk format and design.

This being an ebook, we know it's not my first reading platform of choice, but I do make exceptions from time to time and this one is TOTALLY worth it.  The illustrations are bright and vivid before your eyes...not to mention Pandora, her brothers and fellow seas critters couldn't be more adorable!  The illustrations lend a lot to the narrative so that in the end the balance between story and picture is struck with an even foundation; neither one carries the other but they are equal parts in a "marriage" that works for all.  I can imagine little ones ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the penguins, slightly older readers marveling at her independence in a normally group mentality situation, and finally adults mulling over the messages, the rhyme and meter, and the surprise ending given to the story.  Another great addition to the Children's Lit scene from an author leaving her mark all over the ebook world.

So, in conclusion...a quick read for anyone that enjoys a story of trusting one's self, curiosity, and the results that can be gleaned from such actions; of course a love of picture/storybooks would definitely qualify you as well.  ^_^  Don't believe me?  Check out the book trailer below and catch a glimpse of Pandora's story in action....

Cute, right?  ^_^

Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her growing list of bookish wonders, be sure to visit her online, like her on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To discover more about the illustrator, seek him out at his official website.  Interested in uncovering other Children's ebook gems?  Be sure to pay a visit to Kite Readers official site, Facebook page or Twitter feed.  

...THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE AS A FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY OVER ON AMAZON so be sure to stop by, snag a copy, and share your thoughts on the read!
(Just click on the word 'AMAZON' there and it'll take you right to the page.)

Until next time...happy reading!