Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What's the Time, Grandma Wolf? by Ken Brown

Hi there!
Welcome back to another exciting day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that doesn't let the non-readers of the world stand in her way of bringing you a new post every day; well, most the time anyway.  ^_^

Today's title was a recent receive and read for me from the FAB folks over at Peachtree Publishers (Hi, Emily!) and when looking for what book to feature, both title and cover SCREAMED for my attention.  How so?  Well, let's just say that today has been one of THOSE days (again...oye!) and playing the game detailed within with more permanent consequences would be at least a smirk inducing thought.  (No worries guys...just blowing off a little steam...but really, sometimes...people...ugh! You know what I mean? Anywho...)  What's that you say?  You thought I was reviewing a book today?  Oh, I AM...but the story happens to be based off a game that YOU can play at home! Too cool, right?  I LOVE additional interaction with a story.  Anyway, back to our primary focus; today's book of choice is...

Written and Illustrated by
Ken Brown

Here's the deal.  Take one wolf dressed in a grandmother's clothes (which are actually her own for once!), a forest of furry little critters brimming with curiosity, unable to heed a warning, and a time lapsed sequence of questions that lead to an assumable end...or do they?

In the story, Grandma Wolf answers the mundane question of "what time is it" over and over again with (patience!  My goodness those curious "kids"!) various tasks such as time to get up, brushing her teeth, chopping some wood, cleaning the stew pot...can you see where this is heading? Ha!  Think may be surprised; I know I was...and pleasantly so.  It reminds me of the classic story of The Three Little Pigs with a Red Riding Hood twist.  The whole bait and switch method employed easily allows older readers to be entertained while the youngsters are pouring over the anticipation of Grandma's next answer.  Let us not forget the illustrations you'll be ogling as well!  The technique used is watercolor paintings  which in my opinion gives added texture and beauty to each two-page spread encountered.  The fawn is a little more adorable and Squirrel's look of surprise is just a little more smile inducing (no really, pick up a'll see what I mean) and Grandma's teeth all the better to...*ahem*  ^_^

Suffice it to say, I enjoyed the story overall and would highly recommend it to fans of the classics and readers young and young at heart.  It'd make a great addition to any personal library or classroom...and speaking of classroom, remember I mentioned a game.  It's detailed on the inside flap of the back cover and will allow you to continue the story well after the last page.  The aim of the actual game is to slowly approach the wolf, in this case Grandma Wolf, in dribs and drabs.  Your closeness at any given time is dictated by the answer she gives, be it one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.  For each o'clock numeral given, you take a step.  Example:  Five o'clock = take five steps forward.  See?  It's all up to "Grandma" when "dinnertime" arrives because she has to be able to catch someone for her dinner.  So...who will you be having for dinner?  Hmm?  What's that?  You're inviting me?  How thoughtful...but I'm, I'm booked.  *-*

Review copy received courtesy of Emily at Peachtree Publishers.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full and ever growing catalog of wonders, be sure to stop by their official site, check out their blog, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This book is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a store shelf near you.

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, such happy memories, I can still remember playing a game called What's The Time Mr Wolf as a girl.
