Thursday, February 7, 2013

Who? What? Where? (2)

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when its rainy outside and you're looking for something to brighten your otherwise gloomy day.  Why?  Because books are MAGICAL like that... ^_^

QUICK REMINDER...TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to enter to win in the Printed Books Giveaway Hop, so don't delay...get your entries in!  It's easy peasy, promise and open to EVERYONE (the prize is determined by location) so best of luck to you and SPREAD THE WORD, kay?  ^_^  Now, on to today's post...

This is only the SECOND time I've participated in this particular MEME, but I'm telling you, I'm really enjoying it.  It's another way to share the books you are currently reading aside from an actual teaser from the story PLUS it gives you a chance to be tantalized into possibly adding another title to your future read list...which I'm ALWAYS totally on board with.  (hehe)  So, on with the show!

Hosted by Melissa at My Words and Pages it's time to explore...

Who are you with?
Where are you at?
What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.
Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

This week...
I'm with Mr. Buffarino (who insists on being called Pippa...don't know why yet) and a few prima ballerina hopefuls including our lead Margit and her best friend Karola.  We've just arrived in Novara, Italy and we're supposed heading to Milan to be given starring roles at La Scala...but right now the "seedy" part of town we're in is looking like anything BUT that.  *-*

Germaine Shames

So....who/where/what are YOU this week?
Do tell...and feel free to check out the others participating in this MEME as well as link to your own post over at Melissa's site.

Until next time...happy reading!



  1. I nearly bought this book I believe. Huh....sounds good! hope you enjoy it!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I've never heard of this book before, have fun traveling through Italy ;)
    By the way, your blog is so cute.

  3. Oh great post! Sounds like you have a journey ahead of you. :) Hope you enjoy it.

    And thank you greatly for joining in. :)
