Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who? What? Where? (3)

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when you're OH-SO-TIRED and yet totally prepared to take on the day ahead.  Hoo-rah!  ^_^

QUICK REMINDER...don't forget about the TWO contests going on now!  One hops away TOMORROW with your chance to win a new cozy mystery and so much more....the other sticks around until the 5th of March but they always say the early bird catches the worm.  Don't worry, it's easy peasy to enter, so come join the fun and SPREAD THE WORD, kay? ^_^ Now, on to today's post...

Third times the charm, or so they say and that's the number of times I've participated in this particular MEME as of today...but I'm telling you, it's SO much fun plus it's another way to share the books you are currently reading...and what reader/blogger amongst us would shy away from a chance like that, hmm?  ^_^  So, if you don't already participate in this fab post, there's no time like the present...and speaking of the present, on with the show!

Hosted by Melissa at My Words and Pages it's time to explore...

Who are you with?
Where are you at?
What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.
Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

This week...
I'm with the guys (the guys beings Roland, Chris, and Jacob) at Roland's house on school break attending a party that seems to have taken a bit of a drastic turn.  Well, perhaps drastic is the wrong term....what word would you use to describe a party where your friend's brother's car just followed the crystal swan...into the pool.  *-*  Yep, let's hope the parents don't come home anytime soon...~whistles~

J.B. Hickman

So....who/where/what are YOU this week?
Do tell...and feel free to check out the others participating in this MEME as well as link to your own post over at Melissa's site.

Until next time...happy reading!



  1. Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog.
    I'm so sorry, I'm using my Nook and when I was going to open the post to your comment I deleted it by mistake. No hard feelings
    This is the third time I participate too and I really like it.
    I was able to read part of it before I clicked by mistake where I shouldn't have. That is the important part, who was fighting with the alligator, i was so nervous wanting to know if they were going to be ok.
    Again I am so sorry, that had never happened to me

  2. rivie bleu: No worries! been there, done that before. ^_^ Off to re-comment...hehe.

  3. O coool. What a great meme. I love the cover of this book too.

  4. Well it's Thursday and I need to get off this pc and out of my pj's. The coffee pot is empty and I am waiting for a snow storm that promises to dump a foot of snow between noon today and noon tomorrow. I would love to be on a boat with a book!

  5. Ooo....maybe the parents *should* come home. ;) Great post this week. :) And thank you for joining in.

  6. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on this one. Read and reviewed by me last year, I found it an emotionally charged read.

    As for where I am etc?

    With Brrr, the cowardly lion from OZ, I'm learning some of the history of the Emerald City.
