Friday, May 17, 2013

Children's Book Week: On a Beam of Light by Jennifer Berne

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the place that aims to please the bookish side of you every day of the week...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We've been having a BLAST this week (unlike we usually do?  ^_^) in celebration of Children's Book Week and though it may be Friday, the week itself is celebrated through SUNDAY so be prepared for even more bookish wonders...and behold.  Need I say "stay tuned"?  Oh but of course, because it's ME after all, but first, let's add a little more learning to our field of vision, shall we?

The title I've selected for today's feature stars a gentleman whose name is known worldwide for one thing or another but the most WELL known of the descriptive terms applied to him is....GENIUS.  To think, his life started out just like yours or mine, though perhaps with a bit more turmoil given the times, and would blossom into this timeline of achievements respected by scientists and remembered by all.  Curious to know of whom I am speaking?  Wonder no more...about THAT at least, because WONDER and IMAGINATION are definitely encouraged in this read.  Today's book of choice is...

A Story of Albert Einstein
Jennifer Berne
Pictures by
Vladimir Radunsky

It's another look at the life of the man that brought us wonders and ideas that the world had yet to see, in a format ready for all ages.

The illustrations are brusque but when combined with the text, they create a well rounded display eagerly devoured by minds of all ages.  After all, it's not everyday that you're told someone imagined themselves "racing through space on a beam of light"...and it's rather hard not to do so yourself after reading that sentence and seeing young Albert flying high on his bike, the gleam of discovery in his eye.  As the tale progresses, we see how Albert prepared himself for a future he had yet to realize and concepts we had yet to grasp.  The foundations he laid of reading and learning aided his mind in sorting out the BIGGER thoughts and suppositions he'd tackle down the road.  But even with all that learning and problem solving, there are still things we do not understand and a myriad of questions left unanswered.  For now...

To put it simply, this is certainly a book I'd recommend for all ages; the fact that it's presented in a picture book package need not be a point of worry for older readers.  You will still learn many things from both its text AND its images.  It tells us just how important asking questions can be and to never stop wondering..but, it also reminds us that silence can in fact be golden.  How so?  It permits the mind to take in all that it sees, hears, touches, and tastes.  It allows it time to ponder the big and small things of life and process it all into something extraordinary; whether they be memories, inventions or more, it matters not.  It's the give and take, the exchanging of ideas that's important in the end.

Aside from the things I've already mentioned, there is one in particular that I enjoyed even above all the others...the dedication.  It simply says..."To the next Einstein, who is probably a child now...".  Well put and most likely correct.  You may be the proud relation to the next BIG THINKER of the world at large; heck, it might even be YOU!  You never know where your next train of thought might take you, but if you always refuse to will you ever find out?

Review copy received courtesy of Lara at Chronicle Books.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title
as well as their complete collection of books (and other wonders!) for all ages, be sure to stop by their official site, like them on Facebook, pin them on Pinterest, or follow along on Twitter.  This title was released a few short weeks ago and should be available now on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. O I love the sound of this one. Something mama can enjoy too.

  2. I love books that encourage kids to imagine the impossible! Thanks for sharing it!
