Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy Blogoversary to....ME!

Keep reading...the contest end date has been extended!


Hi guys!
Welcome back to the place that aims to be your online source for bookish fun EVERY day of the week...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

So, yesterday.
It marked a milestone here at the site.
As of May 18th, 2013....I've been blogging here for exactly


Amazing how the time fly's when you're having fun.

For all of those that have made this journey so enjoyable, offering their friendship, insight, bookish conversations and more, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  You're what helps make this ride SO MUCH FUN to begin with...otherwise, I'm just sending words into outer space and it's doubtful that Captain Kirk will be responding anytime soon. ^_^  Anywho... wouldn't be much of a celebration without some presents, now would it?
Nope. Sure wouldn't.
SO, if you'd like to send anything my way for the event I....
It's a blogoversary for pete's sake....this is when the presents go to YOU!

Now, today marks the end of the official Children's Book Week celebration, along with the giveaway hop that began about a week ago.  If you haven't gotten your entries in yet, I really suggest you's open INTERNATIONALLY and there are pretty cool prizes up for grabs if I do say so myself.  

In the spirit of the week and in celebration of my own party worthy event, Eric over at Quirk Books (THANKS!) was gracious enough (okay, extremely COOL enough) to offer up a FABU prize I get the joy of passing on to one of you.
Oh wait...correction.  To FIVE of you.

Yep, that's right!
FIVE winners...just think of it as one winner for each year SFIR has been online AND one to grow on.  So, what's the FABU prize mentioned?  Well, each winner will score an ARC copy of....

Tales from Lovecraft Middle School, Book 3:
Teacher's Pest
Charles Gilman
Illustrated by
Eugene Smith

About the book...
DON'T BE FOOLED by his friendly smile, his perfect manners, or his shiny red apple. Student council president Howard Mergler is actually a sinister bug-monster in disguise—and he's summoning swarms of roaches, wasps, fleas, and head lice into the corridors of Lovecraft Middle School! Twelve-year-old Robert Arthur is the only student who can stop him--but he'll need help from his best friends: the school bully, the school ghost, and an extremely courageous two-headed rat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - -

Now don't be scared off by the "book 3" aspect of it all because although I definitely recommend reading the ENTIRE series, you don't have to in order to follow the story and enjoy the heck out of it too!  For a sneak peek at what's inside, just check out my review.

So, who wants a copy?
Are you nodding your head vigorously?
I thought you might be.

The rules are simple....
...US/CANADA residents only; no P.O. Boxes please.
...entries accepted NOW through Saturday, May 25th, 2013.

Something happened to my former Google Entry form so all of YOU entries are now being accepted for one more week (through May 31st)!

...enter your information in the Google form 

...and BAM you're in to win!

Good luck to everyone!
Here's to another year of bookish magic in the making.
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Happy Blogoversary! Always loved your site, and I wish you many more wonderful years!

  2. Happy blogoversary lovely!!! Wishing you many more!

  3. I'm 4 years soon too.
    We've been friends almost the whole time too huh?
    Happy Bloggy Birthday sweetie!
    To many many more.
    (not an entry)

  4. Happy blog birthday!! now I want some cake!

  5. Wow! How incredibly exciting! I can't believe it's been so long, it only seems like a few weeks ago or maybe a year. Well, I couldn't be happier!

    You've been a great friend and I'm so happy we connected in this most wonderful way so many years ago.

    Congratulations on this year and so many many more years to come! <3

  6. Congratulations on your 4 year blogoversary! :)

  7. Ah, to think it was four years ago that it all began. Looking forward to the next four and many more, my gift to you would be a flight to Newcastle airport so that we could chat in person.

  8. Yay!! Congrats! I am a fairly new follower and I love coming to visit!

    Jolene A

  9. I am a new follower and love to read

  10. Happy Blogoversary! Hard to believe it's been four years already. Guess time really does fly when you're having fun! Love your reviews as you're very talented and make your reviews seem like two friends chatting about a book. Wish I could do that! Please don't change anything! Unless you want to, then it's okay. Cheers! :)

  11. Happy Blogoversary! I've been following for a couple of months. I love your blog!
