Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Roving Reader

Stumbled upon this one thanks to the recommendation of a coworker.
It's not as warm and fuzzy as it appears and yet it is.
It's a contradiction in terms as much as can be and yet, many things are SO TRUE!  Seriously, dog lover's you'll totally get what I mean if you take a peek through this one.

My Dog:  The Paradox

So, what did YOU discover while out and about this weekend?
Feel free to share in the comments below!
*grabs wish list*

Until next time...have a great weekend...and happy reading!


  1. Aww, that looks adorable. :) Hope you enjoy it. Over the weekend...I don't think I found anything. Oh wait! Amazon had a big sale on a series of 5 books in 1 for $1.99. I had to get it. ;)

  2. Just came here today, so can't remember what I did that weekend, but it probably involved looking through my tbr pile to see what I already have to read! This book looks really cute.
