Tuesday, July 30, 2013

BLOG TOUR: From this Moment On by Bella Andre

Hi guys!
Welcome back to another week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we are saying goodbye to July (well, almost) with a blog tour starring two people who are just as busy (or perhaps BUSIER) as I...who end up getting "busy" with life, lust and the possibility of love. Will it end in happily ever after?  Not if they can have anything to say about it, but I digress.  Let's properly greet today's  book of choice and blog tour guest....

Bella Andre
ISBN-13:  978-0-7783-1557-5

About the book...
Just one night…
Marcus Sullivan has always been the responsible older brother, stepping in to take care of his seven siblings when their father died. But when the perfectly ordered future he's planned turns out to be a lie, Marcus needs one reckless night to shake free from it all.
Known throughout the world by only one name—Nico—pop songstress Nicola Harding is seen as the ultimate sex kitten. But it's all a lie. After a terrible betrayal she refuses to let anyone else close enough to find out who she really is…or to hurt her again. Especially the gorgeous stranger at the bar.
One night is all Nicola and Marcus agree to share with each other. But instead, a deeper connection than either of them could have anticipated begins….

In keeping with the style I began for this series back in my post for book 1, let's go with a quick pros and cons list, shall we?

Personal Pros

1.  Once again, the author gets the story just right!  The reality of the events actually happening?  Okay, a LITTLE bit of a stretch, but what isn't when you're dealing with Hollywood stars or music sensations?  Still, it gave us a bit of the fairy tale aspect of love that we all crave (oh just admit it, you know it's true) with a definite grown up twist.  More on that in the OTHER section...
2.  Like emotional connection with your story?  Your wish is her direct delivery.  Another successful story told while engaging readers emotionally, intellectually and even morally.  Don't believe me?  Well, it's certainly not looking for the answers to the heaviest of questions, it will bring to mind your thoughts on age and status in a relationship.  Didn't think it would MAKE you think now did ya?
3.  Characters characters characters!  The Sullivan clan is equally lovable (and LOVELY...HANDSOME...STUNNING...*ahem*) and just as inviting as they were the first time we met them.  Marcus is a joy to get to know, his brotherly ways are heart warming while his attitude towards love is soul melting.  She stays true to those she's built while continuing to further expand our intimate knowledge of them.  You can't help but feel like a member of the family...and that's not such a bad place to be.  Can't wait to see what she does with the next story....

Personal Cons

1.  It seems like a cop out but I have to say that this one fell to the same cons as book 1 for me.  Way to many "encounters" especially since her novels tend to take place (initially at least) over the course of a week) and definitely too many details.  Again, personal opinion!  Word to the wise though...not all of these scenes are purely "vanilla" this time around.
2.  The female character sharing the lead spotlight this time around is Nicola, and she falls prey to the TOO MUCH ACTION without enough COMMUNICATION bug that can fall the best romances.  Her internalization's were somewhat understandable but not to the level they occurred especially for someone her age...sorry but usually they talk TOO much not too little.  In the end, I respected her decisions in regards to Marcus, but just wish she would have expressed herself as well in words as she did under the covers.  *ahem*

So, final thoughts?  Once again, I do NOT regret the read and enjoyed the story itself cover to cover.  I have but one wish.  I wish that this author and either a newbie or well known Women's Fiction author could get together and release an edition that turns the focus less on the sexual acts and more on the story behind it all.  I'm not a prude, I'm okay with some things in my lit reads; I just prefer less of a detailed-step-by-step guide and more of a story to follow word-for-word.  Just my thoughts, nothing more.

Recommended read for ADULT readers.  If you've yet to meet the Sullivans, it's high time you did.  Chase and Chloe were great the first time around, adding Marcus and Nicola to the group just enhances the family values/bond even more.

ARC for review courtesy of Liz at Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their other promotions, be sure to check out their official site, visit them over on BookTrib or follow along on Twitter.  This title was first released in print format just this month via Harlequin MIRA and should be available on a bookstore shelf near you.  Don't forget!  Book 1, The Look of Love, is out now as well and book 3, Can't Help Falling in Love, is on its way next month!

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Liking the use of a pros and cons list. I's just a shame that for me the cons outweigh the pros.
