Thursday, July 11, 2013

Terry Treetop and the Lost Egg by Tali Carmi

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. ..the place to be when you need a satisfying bookish injection in your day; I promise not to let you down. ^-^

Yesterday, we explored the land of Historical Fiction, with much success; today we journey back to enjoy the simple things in life with a modern day twist...i.e. a Children's Storybook, ebook style. Ready? Set? Read! Today's ebook of choice is...

Talmi Carmi

This is the story of young Terry Treetop, so named because of his love of treetops and all things nature like, and his mission of mercy. What mission? Well, one day when out exploring, he happens upon a lost and lonely egg with no mother in sight. He deems it his duty to return said egg to its mom and so begins an unusual adventure with many a lesson learned along the way.

From the differences between the reproduction and nesting activities of various wildlife to the valuable moral of lending a hand to those in need, there are things to glean from every page, every stanza.  Now about those stanzas, the rhymes are not always on the mark and the flow is a bit disrupted due to that fact but while older readers may be put off by that, I think it's safe to say that little guys and gals will be too caught up in the story to care and of course, the illustrations.

In conclusion, an ebook for wee ones looking for an adventure in nature and a fellow friend to experience it with.  Terry Treetop makes an excellent guide on the path to fun as well as an age appropriate aid in growing kiddos moral standings without them even realizing.  Sneaky but in the best way possible.

Ebook for review courtesy of author Tali Camari. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, check it out over on Amazon ( ). FYI...there's free download days coming up July 14-15 so mark your calendar or snag a copy now and help support an author's dream.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. not a fan of when the words do not flow right..even in kids books...wish I knew what it is that makes books flow better

    1. I think sometimes it simply requires a rearranging of ideas. '-'

  2. Looks and sounds cute. Great review.
