Saturday, July 27, 2013

Truthy Ruthy by Sari Barel

Hi there!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please readers of all one point or another...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  

Today, we are taking a look at a new eBook aimed at getting children acquainted with morals and values while giving them a lead character they can identify with and a parental figure that definitely thinks outside the box. It doesn't berate little ones for choosing the wrong way, but rather celebrates when they get things right and the faith they had in them all along.  Ready to meet today's choice cover to face?  Here we go!  Today's ebook of choice is...

Sari Barel
Illustrated by
Neda Fuchedzhieva

About the book...
What can we do with a cute little girl, who does not always tell the truth?
Ruthy is a sweet 5 year old girl, who has gotten used to not telling the truth.
She breaks the rules and says, "It wasn't me!".
Nothing helps until Dad comes up with an idea that changes the rules of the game.
Now Ruthy is "Truthy Ruthy". Bravo, Daddy!
How does Dad change the rules? Read our humorous, fun story to find out!

This is a short and sweet story aimed at reminding children (of all ages) why telling the truth is not only something mommy and daddy want for them to do but a best practice to last their whole life through.  Ruthy is an adorable little girl, befitting that old song of a child with a curl in the center of her forehead (ahem), and much like the girl in that rhyme, she could be very good as well as horr...the opposite. ^_^  A bad habit is started with a desire for sweets before dinner and continues into antics of painting on walls, taking toys from her sister and annoying the family dog, all with the excuse of "It wasn't me."  (Anyone else flashing back to that Shaggy song?  Oh good, I'm not the only one. )  Ruthy comes to realize with the help of her tricky (but in a good way) parents that saying what you mean and meaning what you say are a very important part of being able to trust someone and so a lesson learned is born and shared.

Along the way, our eyes are greeted with impish pictures of young Ruthy as well as a few of her Dad as he ponders things out for himself.  The bright colors used and the little details such as candy wrappers sticking out of her pockets, or his nose going all Pinocchio when he's not telling the truth serve as visual points to ponder but also go into making the moral of the story that much clearer.  I mean come on, we all know your nose GROWS when you tell a lie....

Recommended read for all ages but especially for those with little ones in their lives.  Ruthy and her family will brighten your day in a big BIG way but also leave you with something relevant to your every day life.  A great combo indeed.

PDF for review courtesy of author Sari Barel.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as the author behind the work, be sure to stop by the official site.  To find out more about Ruthy, take a gander at the book trailer or click on over to Amazon to score your copy now.  Oh, and if you're quick about it, you might even grab one for FREE - a promotion that runs today and tomorrow (July 27-28)!

Until next time...happy reading!