Thursday, August 8, 2013

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Quarantine by Lex Thomas + CONTEST!

Hi guys!

Welcome back to the place that aims to please the bookish side of you every day of the week...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Whether you fly your bookworm flag proudly or it follows you silent as a shadow, you are welcome here one and all.  ^_^

So, this week we'v e been covering a mix of titles from non fiction to Young Adult to Mystery, plus you've had a chance to win one of those said titles too (still open!  Ends August 10th!).  TODAY, we're taking a U-turn back to Young Adult land once again to shine the spotlight on a two part (thus far) series that you may have seen in passing due to the strikingly creepy feel of the covers, but if you haven't cracked the spine on them, you don't know what your missing. Lucky for you, I'm here to help.  ^_^  Lucky again for you, the folks at  Egmont USA and Media Masters Publicity are AWESOME and will giving you a chance to win in a few moments here.  Let it never be said I didn't share the bookish wealth.  First things first....


Quarantine, Book1:
Lex Thomas

It was just another ordinary day at McKinley High—until a massive explosion devastated the school. When loner David Thorpe tried to help his English teacher to safety, the teacher convulsed and died right in front of him. And that was just the beginning.
A year later, McKinley has descended into chaos. All the students are infected with a virus that makes them deadly to adults. The school is under military quarantine. The teachers are gone. Violent gangs have formed based on high school social cliques. Without a gang, you’re as good as dead. And David has no gang. It’s just him and his little brother, Will, against the whole school.
In this frighteningly dark and captivating novel, Lex Thomas locks readers inside a school where kids don’t fight to be popular, they fight to stay alive.


Sounds good, right?
I thought so myself....hence I'm reading my way through this one at a rapid pace.
Review will be coming soon, right around the end of the contest...hehe...but wait!  That's not all!  Book two just released last month and happens to be a part of the FAB prize package up for grabs TOO!  Check it out....


Quarantine, Book 2:
Lex Thomas

Nothing was worse than being locked in--until they opened the door...
McKinley High has been a battle ground for eighteen months since a virus outbreak led to a military quarantine of the school. When the doors finally open, Will and Lucy will think their nightmare is finished. But they are gravely mistaken.
As a new group of teens enters the school and gains popularity, Will and Lucy join new gangs. An epic party on the quad full of real food and drinks, where kids hookup and actually interact with members of other gangs seemed to signal a new, easier existence. Soon after though, the world inside McKinley takes a startling turn for the worse, and Will and Lucy will have to fight harder than ever to survive.


I gotta say, I'm DEFINITELY curious to see how the current situation the characters are in lead to this book 2 build up because right now, I'm just not seeing a GOOD way.  Don't you love when what looks like a spoiler actually makes things even MORE curious?

Now, on to the goods.
As previously stated, thanks to Media Masters Publicity and Egmont USA, YOU have a chance to win not just book 1 but BOTH book 1 AND book 2!
 When you stop squee-ing, continue to read, okay?
-waits patiently-

Done?  Or at least contained?  ^_^
To enter....fill out the form below! (well, after the rules)

The rules:  
Open to US residents only, no P.O. Boxes please.  Entries accepted through midnight Monday, August 12th, 2013.  Winner will be contacted no later than Wednesday, August, 14th, 2013 and have 24 hours to respond with their full name and mailing address for prize send out.  Of course, you can bypass all that time frame nonsense and include it with your entry, but that's totally up to you.  ^_^

Special thanks to Casey at Media Masters Publicity and Egmont USA for the chance to participate in this promotion.  (THANKS!)  To discover more bookish wonders from the publisher, click on over to their website, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To learn more about author Lex Thomas....who is in fact TWO writers writing as a visit to their site, check out the Facebook page, or follow along on Twitter.

Until next time....SPREAD THE WORD....and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I've been seeing these books around and liking the sounds of them. :) Thank you for the chance to win them. :)
