Thursday, October 3, 2013

JUST BE YOU: Humpfree the Humpless Camel by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the place that aims to please readers of all shapes, sizes, and ages every day of the week....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

Today, we are heading back into the digital wild to read and share te latest Children's eBook from an author you've seen featured on the site time and again.  Why do I feature here work so often?  Well, that should be obvious, but to those that are new to the site, it's because while they were good to start with, they've grown better and better over time.  This newest release is no exception!  Ready to meet your next pick for the little reader beside (or inside) you?  Let's do this!  Today's ebook of choice is...

Humpfree:  The Humpless Camel
Julia Dweck
Illustrated by
Young-Min Yoon

This is the story of Humpfree Camel and his quest to find his humps.  Once you get done laughing at that sentence, let me know...because while there is humor abounding within these pages, there is also a distinct message of JUST BE YOU because you are special, you are important, you are a one of a kind original...and in Humpfree's case, he really is.

He grows up knowing he's different but not in the "I'm-good-with-that" sorta way.  It makes him uncomfortable, so much so he embarks on a quest for his humps.  He looks everyone. High. Low. On top of...and below. He finds many a makeshift substitute and yet nothing feels meant to be. Down in the mouth and head hanging low, he's just about given up.. until "redemption" comes in the form of a snappily dressed explorer with a little food for thought to share.  The rest as they say is history. the most smile inducing way possible.

Perhaps the coolest part of this little beauty outside of the AWESOME illustrations and ADORABLE story is the fact that it has a tie to real life. There is actually a "humpless" camel that has more recently been discovered, a fact readers are encouraged to investigate at story's end. Ms. Dweck includes a few fun facts to entice the curious thinker in you along with a warning to NEVER irritate a camel (*-*) should the occasion arrive. It's fun, it's informative; it's a beauty to behold and another reading treasure of Ms Dweck's creation I'm proud to say "been there, read that"...and highly recommend for all ages.

ARC ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!) For more on this title as well as her growing catalog of bookish wonders, be sure to like her on Facebook ( or follow along on Twitter ( This title is coming to an ebook retailer near you October 5th via Xist Publishing, so mark your calendars or simply preorder it now (!  You won't be sorry.

Until next time...revel in the you that is you...and happy reading!

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