Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr

Why hello again!
Welcome back to the site that loves to bask in the bookish glow of life…JUST LIKE YOU (oh just admit it, you KNOW it’s true!)…Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we are taking a look at a Chick Lit title that wears the moniker proudly, with high heels, skinny jeans and enough pink to make Elle Woods proud.  Why some take offense to that “label” I have NO idea but to each their own I suppose.  This girl (the character in the story…as well as the author, I do believe), while not solely a Chick Lit reader, certainly enjoys her ventures into the often pink robed reads and by golly, I think many of you do too, if you’re willing to admit it that is.  Well….are you? *wink*  Ladies and gents, guys and gals, readers of the often flowery pink covered genre that are proud to fly their equally pink flags in the air like they just don’t care (*hoists flag*), today’s book of choice is…

Blogger Girl
Meredith Schorr

I could have been reading about YOU or ME.  No really!  There were many déjà vu moments (except for the romps with a particular hottie Kimmie had her eye on for some time…*ahem*) and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud.  I mean which of us don’t currently have a day job that pays the bills but a hobby/interest that is truly our passion ( reviewing and blogging!)?  Which of us wouldn’t love the chance to turn our dreams laid on the wayside into reality?  Which of us couldn’t use a good kick in the butt to take that chance that we’ve been shying away from?  I mean we’ll never know if we don’t try, right?  So while it’s okay to live in the here and now, enjoy the moments life brings and revel in the comfortable life we’ve built, we shouldn’t build a glass ceiling above our selves that need not exist.  Such are the lessons that Ms. Long learns in this tale of love, loss, life, and books. 

Kim is a fun “leading lady” who writes her own story quite well, both literally and figuratively.  With a smile, a nod, and a choice pair of pumps, she’s ready to take on the world with her best friends at her side (hey, we all need moral support sometimes!).  She’s loyal to the end with a penchant for shopping, reading, and blogging that most of us can certainly agree with if not see ourselves in.  Her besties (since HIGH SCHOOL no less!) are by her side through thick and thin, even when interests seem to cross.  There is nothing they wouldn’t do to be there for each other and THAT is a rare find indeed.  Then we have Nicholas Strong…that rhymes with Long (sorry, book joke!)…our resident associate attraction. 

From what she describes, he deserves the attention, but perfect he is not.  Sorry Kimmie, rose colored glasses can only be worn by one party at a time.  He has growing of his own to do and while I won’t spoil the many surprises along the way (as well as my equal bouts of wanting to smile at or strangle same said individual), suffice it to say he plays an integral role in both the story in general and Kim’s punching through her own glass ceiling.  I respect him for some of what he did but that whole cutting off communication thing, ugh!  Childish much?  *shakes head*  Anywho…additional male species representation is provided by Kimmie’s friend Mike.  Umm, how to put this gently.  He’s not really amounted to much monetarily or glory-worthy in life and has a REALLY bad habit he needs to kick (or two), but he’s not a bad person…hence the only reason I’m okay with him associating with our main girl friend’s here.  *humpf*  Give him a chance, he’ll grow on you.  Finally, though not one of the guys, I can’t end the character listing without a nod to Hannah!  She’s a great bestie, before AND after her intentions towards someone else come to light.  (Nope…not telling!)

In the end, I found the book ENTIRELY ENJOYABLE, with equal measures of laughter, frustration, swooning, inspiration and of course, bookish glee.  It sounds like the ingredients to an emotional cocktail and while I’m not certain what that’d taste like, I know written word wise…it equates to one great read.  Story wise, we’re looking at classic Chick Lit structuring but with a find-your-own-ending twist.  The reflections of real life seen in the pages will have you connecting with it from beginning to end.  I dare YOU to take the high road in the reading and reviewing decision she has to make…I applaud her choice, but delighted in her realistic dilemma.  HIGHLY recommended for all your blogger and bookish girl friends in your life that appreciate a good Chick Lit read PLUS the chance (and reminder) to write your own happily-ever-after.  Fly your flag proudly and share the joys of this genre with the world! 

Review copy received courtesy of the author.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her other works (which are now on my “wish list”), be sure to seek her out online on her blog, Facebook, or Twitter…or pick up one of her titles on a bookstore shelf near you (especially THIS ONE!).

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Thank you so much for your fantastic review of Blogger Girl. By far, one of the most entertaining reviews I've read so far :) - So pleased you enjoyed and related to it and, yes, the author loves all things pink and "chick-litty" just like her character :) Thanks again!
