Saturday, January 11, 2014

Secret Agent Josephine in Paris by Brenda Ponnay

Welcome to SFIR.
For those in the know, that acronym makes sense; for those not, you’ll just have to wait for your security level to be increased.  Rest assured, in either case, you’re about to embark on an adventure…should you choose to accept the mission.  Then again, why WOULDN’T you?  The only danger you’re in is of adding another BOOKISH bout of fun to your “been there, read that” list.
So pack your bags, ready your passports, and don your best disguise.
Today’s ebook of choice will appear in 3…2…1…

Brenda Ponnay
Xist Publishing

Secret Agent Josephine (aka SAJ) is one cool cat and her sidekick Bug (aka her daughter) is pretty awesome herself.  While putting the final touches on a project for her daughter, she is summoned to Paris by Spy Headquarters to catch none other than Sean Slippy, the notorious art forger…and bird smuggler.  (What? He has a special coat to smuggle them in…don’t look so skeptical or your eyebrows might stay that high forever…)  He’s on the loose and reeking havoc through the city of a million lights, unless someone can put a stop to his nefarious activities.  Is SAJ the right gal for the job?  Will she manage to evade detection and infiltrate his network of thievery?  Or will she be caught by surprise and have to use all her spy know how and connections to the outside world to save not only herself but the day?  Dun dun dunnn…. 

Okay, so first things first, I totally need that Super-Expanding Spy Bag and I have a friend that would ADORE the Telescoping Heel Spy Boots.  Can you imagine the multiple uses those two could be put to?  ^_^ Anywho…our lady spy duo, because let’s face it, Bug gets in on this action too, kills two birds with one stone; sightseeing in Paris AND hunting down their target.  No worries to the parents concerned about the antics in the book, they are on the mundane side but entertaining and creative in full.  The illustrations provide something for the littlest readers to gaze at while growing and older readers will utilize the details included visually to enhance the brief story.

In short, a winning combination with appeal for guys and gals…and a good warning against wearing bright red socks; you know, if you plan on committing crimes and all, that whole inconspicuous thing works WONDERS.  ^_^  Ebook for review courtesy of Xist Publishing.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to stop by their official site or catch them on Twitter.  This title is available now so seek thee out a copy for some family or solo reading fun.  Oh and on the P.S. side of things, I gotta say I LOVE the author’s dedication on the cover…it’s to her blog readers!  (*heart warmed*)

Until next time…happy reading!

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