Thursday, March 13, 2014

BOOK BLAST: There Be Goblins in the Wood! by Christopher Gray + CONTEST!

Hi there!
Welcome back to the site that aims to bring the known and unknown delights of the reading world to your attention....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

Today, we're playing host to a BOOK BLAST from the folks over at Pump Up Your Book Publicity (Hi Tracee!).  It stars a Young Adult title dealing with fantastical creatures, curious names, and a request for your assistance in settling a matter of the existence of tree people or people trees.  Sound like fun?  Well then, ladies and gents, step right up and READ ALL ABOUT IT!  Today's blog spotlight shines on....

The Chronicles of Combe Dingle Wood:
There Be Goblins in the Wood!
Christopher Gray

Combe Dingle Wood can be found (if you look really hard) in the heart of the Somerset countryside. It exists in that twilight time between myth and reality. It belongs to the era when walkabout scarecrows and Aunt Sallies wandered the hills and vales of the English West country. The local folk can tell you stories of their experiences when entering the wood. Most people that wander in wander out again with a smile on their faces and a sense of well-being. No one has ever quite put their finger on why this should be- they can only say there is something magical about the place. The Chronicles of Combe Dingle Wood are a series of stories about the unique folk that inhabit the wood. They have exciting adventures in ‘Between time’ (created for them by a friendly witch). They encounter dangers, but they do so with a sense of humour and fortitude that is typical of the West Country folk. It was a few years after the Second Year War when I first encountered the real inhabitants of Combe Dingle Wood. Were they people trees or tree people? You know to this day I am still not sure. Perhaps you could decide? The story books I have produced are based on the records and drawings I kept in my diary all those years ago.

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Told you it sounded curious, despite the unusual choice of grammar in the title and the cover that makes you stop to dissect just what you are looking at.  Sometimes those things that seemingly work against a title can in fact draw attention to it.  Case in point.

Now, let's learn a smidge about the author....

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About the author....
Christopher Gray was born and raised in the English West County. He is a retired Primary School Head teacher, professional artist, and Lay Preacher.


I told you it was a smidge!
Some people just prefer to stay mysterious....
*cue curious music*

Now, this IS a BOOK BLAST and so the fun doesn't just come to an end once you've reached the final sentence of my post.  No siree!  For more great stops along it's blogosphere trail, check out the official tour schedule AND while you're there, ENTER TO WIN a $25 Amazon GC!  But, you may want to be quick about it.  The contest ends in oh, about another day.
You're welcome!

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Special thanks to Tracee at Pump Up Your Book for the chance to participate in this promotion.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this BLAST as well as those forthcoming, be sure to stop by their official site, friend them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.

Until next time....SPREAD THE WORD...and happy reading!

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