Friday, June 27, 2014

BLOG TOUR: The Road to Nyn by Brian Michaud + CONTEST!

Hello again!
Welcome back to the site that makes reading a part of your day every day, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're playing host to a Tribute Books Blog Tour starring a Young Adult Fantasy adventure.  It's sure to remind you of some of the greats whilst still weaving a new story to behold filled with characters to love, loathe, and call friend.  Grab hold of your courage and join me as we welcome today's blog tour guest and book of choice...


About the book...
In a land where magic is outlawed, a young boy is living a double life. Although Kay is training to be a knight, he has been secretly studying the forbidden ways of magic with Alamin, a powerful but eccentric wizard. 

After passing of the Trial of the Rings and being raised to squirehood, Kay has decided to tell Alamin that he is going to leave his magical studies behind. And why not? Kay hasn’t ever cast a spell without something going seriously wrong–like the random appearance of frogs or hungry wolves–besides, Kay could be banished from the kingdom just for associating with Alamin.

Kay’s plans are quickly obliterated when a horde of goblins attacks his village and captures his family and friends. Now, with his home lying in ruins, everything has changed. Along with Alamin and Felix, a self-serving kleptomaniac sprite, Kay embarks on an adventure that takes him across the Kingdom of Gaspar and into the dark and treacherous caves of the Goblin Realm. What Kay doesn’t realize is that his journey is leading him on a collision course with the Lord of Nyn – a being so powerful that none dare face him...not even Alamin himself!



Okay, if you follow my GoodReads updates, then you know at one point, I was struggling with this read.  It's a bit more HIGH fantasy than I originally anticipated.  Think Lord of the Rings but with a decidedly younger audience in mind and obviously a smaller vocabulary as well as history used.  If you know my reading preferences at all, you'll know that I like fantasy but only to a certain point.  Once you begin to need a separate book to be able to follow all that's happening, who's who, and what's gone down in the past, I'm starting to get that glassy eyed look about me.  Luckily for me, my FIRST impressions were proven somewhat wrong.  That's right; not completely wrong, but enough to land me in the camp of fans.

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Kay.  He's a remarkable lad without anything singularly remarkable about him...except his heart, his commitment to do what's right, and his ability to learn from his mistakes.  A contradiction in statements, I know but it's true.  He's a likable fellow, cut from average cloth, but with a future that's much MUCH bigger than himself...and he OWNS it without being a pompous butt.  (KUDOS to him!)  Then we have Alamin, a very wise man indeed...and a bit on the magical side of things.  I love how much he has to impart to Kay and the story in general while still being a bit of a loose cannon.  His double cross of a double crosser is glorious as well.  I could stop there (and I will for the most part) but it's be a shame not to mention Felix, a precocious sprite that creates as much trouble as he assists in getting others out of, and Bibo, a telko that is just adorbs, and the dryads were amazing!  No other way to put it.  It's a cast of characters you won't want to say goodbye to....and for the most part, I think it's safe to say you won't any time soon (I smell a sequel!).

In conclusion, a great read for the intended audience as well as those above and slightly below that age line.  If you're looking for adventure with a young male lead, filled with magic, war, creatures both known and non, and a future not so distant yet unable to be seen....this is definitely a read for you.


About the author...

Brian G. Michaud lives in a small town in Massachusetts with his wife, Kim. When he is not reading or writing books, he can be found teaching music at a local elementary school or rocking out on guitar with the band, Too Loud.



Special thanks to Nicole at Tribute Books for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as future tours on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided within the post, or like them on Facebook.  This title was self-published November 2013, so be on the lookout for it at your favorite bookstore or online retailer of choice.  Now, this being a book tour, there are other sites and festivities to check out, so pay a visit to the official tour page post haste!  Oh, and for the final creme de la creme.....

(Courtesy of Tribute Books Blog Tours!)

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Gina, I knew Kay and Alamin would cast a spell on you, but you're right the ones you absolutely cannot resist are Felix and Bibo :)

    Thanks for taking the time to read and review Brian's book!

  2. Hi Gina,

    Thank you very much for the review. I'm glad that my friends Kay, Alamin, Felix, and Bibo were able to win you over. I was thoroughly tickled by your description of them. Alamin - a loose cannon - definitely!

    And, yes, your nose isn't lying to you. There is a sequel on the horizon. I actually finished the first draft on Monday and will spend the next couple of months revising, editing, working out the cover art, and so on down the line.

    Thanks again. It's a pleasure to be here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

