Friday, July 11, 2014

BLOG TOUR: The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich

Why hello there!
Welcome back to the site that’s all about giving you the satisfaction you crave, bookishly of course….Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

What’s with the *ahem* sassy voiced intro line?  Let’s call it a result of today’s featured title.  It comes to us via TLC Book Tours and stars the sophomore release of none other than Stephanie Evanovich.  Name ringing a bell?  It should if not in general than for my site at the very least as I featured a review of her first release, Big Girl Panties, some time last year.  This time around, we’re still in the game (so to speak) as we dive into the story behind a couple we met off and on in that first book.  Now before you get too antsy, the answer is no…you don’t have to have read the first book in order to follow this one, it does make the connections sweeter however.  *rethinks last sentence*  Okay, I’m just gonna go right into this one because everything is going to sound like it has a double meaning and second guessing it constantly is making it cumbersome.  Here is my review, my stop along the tour; take from it what you will.  Please welcome today’s blog tour guest and book of choice….

William Morrow

About the book….
A sizzling story of everyone’s favorite couple from amazing Stephanie Evanovich’s New York Times bestseller Big Girl Panties: hunky professional baseball player Chase Walker and his sassy wife Amanda.

When pro baseball player Chase Walker first meets Amanda at her restaurant, it’s love at first sight. While Amanda can’t help noticing the superstar with the Greek-god-build, he doesn’t have a chance of getting to first—or any other—base with her. A successful entrepreneur who’s built her business from scratch, Amanda doesn’t need a Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. And a curvy girl who likes to cook and eat isn’t interested in being around the catty, stick-thin herd of females chasing Chase and his teammates.

But Chase isn’t about to strike out. A man who isn’t interested in playing the field, he’s a monogamist who wants an independent woman like Amanda. His hopes rally when she discovers that squeaky-clean Chase has a few sexy and very secret pre-game rituals that turn the smart, headstrong businesswoman on—and into his number one fan.

Then a tabloid discovers the truth and turns their spanking good fun into a late- night punchline. Is Amanda ready to let loose and swing for the fences? Or will the pressure of Chase’s stardom force them to call it quits?

Amazon   |   IndieBound   |    Barnes & Noble.


First things first…there is SOME risqué parts in the story.
NOT recommended for the younger set.  Got it? Good.
Let us continue…

This is one of those stories that I’m going to break down as simply as possible…well, as simple for ME anyway.  There are pros and cons, highs and lows.  Some things will delight, some might actually offend, but we will dig into a little bit of everything through MY eyes.  I invite, nay encourage even you as always to check things out for yourself, merely allow me a few moments to shine a light on this title.  Alrighty then, here we go!


1.       I LOVE how this author takes two people that seem world’s apart, at least by today’s standards, mixes them up, shakes their stories to the core, and gives us a coupling worth the effort.  The first time around we had a plain Jane widower and a hunky personal trainer to the stars; now we have a successful restaurant owner and a major league sports player.  See?  Two difference worlds, but the end results are always worth the risks.  What risks?  Well, all actually, whether those chances taken came from the characters or you breaking out of your own reading box just a smidge. 

2.        I LOVE that the author is not afraid to give us a happy ending while leaving the perfect Barbie and Ken behind.  Her characters are not to be categorized as obese by any means but nor could they be called the magazine image many aspire to.  They have times of joy and times of utter embarrassment (hello hidden camera!).  In short, they’re real…HUMAN even with flaws and a few pounds perhaps to shed or not, but they own it…and for that, I am totally in love.

3.       As those of you that frequent my blog know, I’m all for a little romance in a story.  This particular author, while going a bit farther than my preferred cup of tea at times, still knows how to bring it.  Chase and Amanda’s initial relationship is too sweet!  He’s the perfect gentleman, but not too perfect.  She can get her snark on without offending him like some boy child in training.  The flirt and the fun, the chase and the give in, all add up to reading that lends your face a smile whether you like it or not. 

…yep, just one.

1.        I never could (pardon the pun) get behind their whole, umm…how to put it…chosen method of release.  Though I was curious (intellectually) how they would reason it out, because really there is a fine line between this and abuse, it just never clicked.  It was enlightening to see even from a Fiction standpoint where they were coming from, but it never did a thing for me…in fact, it took away from the otherwise enjoyable story.  I actually found myself withdrawing a bit whenever it came up, whether in action or daydream.  To each their own as long as they are two consenting ADULTS, but I shan’t be on this band wagon.  Call me old fashioned but that’s my view. 

In conclusion, I’m a fan of the story, but not of the extracurriculars.  I do respect everyone’s choice in this area and appreciate the author’s candor in taking on a taboo-ish subject like this in a  more “general audience” format.  I adore the characters she created, enjoyed following the story even when all felt lost, and appreciated the consistency in the connections she included to book one’s couple (it was like looking at the same story from another side…nice job!).  Would I recommend it for all?  No….BUT, if you’ve an open mind or simply the ability to overlook some aspects to enjoy the greater read overall, this is certainly a title I’d add to the old “wish list”.


ARC for review courtesy of Trish at TLC Book Tours.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as those tours upcoming, be sure to stop by their official site AND check out the other blogs on this title’s travel plan!  This book was released just this week via William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. The romance sounds really sweet, even to my cold, cold heart. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! Thanks for being on the tour!

  2. I've been curious about this book, so thanks for a great review! I'm not sure it's for me though as I recently finished another book where the two consenting adults favorite activity took away from my enjoyment of their story. To each their own, but it got in the way of the story IMO. Sounds like a good book otherwise!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...
