Monday, August 4, 2014

I Knead My Mommy and Other Poems by Kittens by Francesco Marciuliano

Why hello there!
Welcome back to the site that loves nothing more then to spend an afternoon curled up with a good book and her best fur baby, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Speaking of fur babies…

Today’s featured title celebrates one particular variety of those cuddly critters that many call family…kittens!  That’s right.  Protect your drapes and grab the lint brush, the baby felines are running amuck and spreading their…wait, poetry?  Yep, poetry!  So, without further adieu, let’s meet today’s book of choice….

Francesco Marciuliano

From the creative minds that brought us the delightful  I Could Pee on This (reviewed HERE!) and the wondrous I Could Chew on This(also reviewed HERE!), comes the latest collection of furball poetics that is sure to make you laugh, guffaw, smile, and even tear.  Yes, there’s an emotional roller coaster in there and that’s not even taking into account all the “aww” and “how cute” moments you’ll have when glancing through the pictures!  As this is a collection of works as opposed to a story, I’ll stick with a list type format for this review.  What list you may ask?  Why, a list of those passages that stuck with me much like a kitten on their human…in the best possible way of course.  Ready, set…here we go!

Kitten Poetry of Note…to Note
…a few selections at least…

1.        So Small, page 78 – I love the kitten’s turn from “I’m so small” to “Ha Ha!  Take that!”. 
2.       Pretty Kitty, page 60 – One can’t help but chuckle at this kitten’s desire for a name and situation change…I only hope that my pups don’t think the same thing when they wear their clothes. *-*
3.       My Name Is, page 15 – This was actually the poem that drew me in to the collection in the first place.  Too funny…and yet, you can SO see it happening!
4.       Not Goodbye, page 91 – Brought a tear to my eye.  Short and sweet, while showing how much pets are affected by loss too.
5.       While You’re Typing, page 102 – Perhaps not the best passage for writers to read, especially if they have cats that just LOVE the keyboard….when their owners are on it too.  *ahem*  Let’s just say, they may be employing more than simple distraction techniques….

So, in conclusion, a book for kitten fans and non-fans alike.  With mirth and smirks, this release will have you turning pages faster than a cat on a treadmill with a sardine dangling just out of reach.  Read it in a sitting or randomly turn to a page and get your instant pick-me-up for the day!  Revisit your favorites and share with your friends, family, neighbors, cousins, pets….anyone!  It’s a book that’s meant to brighten your day while letting kittens have the run of the place for at least the space of 111 pages.

Review copy received courtesy of the FABULOUS folks at Chronicle Books.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, follow them on Twitter, and pay a visit to their blog.  This title was scheduled for release the first week of August 2014 (hey, that’s THIS week!), so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or online retailer of your choosing.

Until next time…happy reading!

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