Wednesday, September 3, 2014

BLOG TOUR: Fallen by Laury Falter

Hi there!
Welcome back to another day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place to be when just one book suggestion is not enough!  Good timing for my two post day then, huh?  ^_^

Alright, so you joined me for the first book of choice today and now you're back for the sequel...yay!  ~hugs you each in turn~  In the form of an ebook on tour with Reading Addiction Blog Tours comes a Young Adult Fantasy that I think you may find as curious as I.  Be prepared for vagueness because well, it IS the first book in a series so you know a lot of build up has got to occur to reel us in.  Ready, set, READ!  Today's second book of choice is....

Laury Falter

About the book....
Maggie is unaware of the terrifying fate that awaits her. It isn’t until she lands in New Orleans for a full year at a private high school and her unknown enemies find her does she realize that her life is in danger.

As a mystifying stranger repeatedly intervenes and blocks the attempts on her life, she begins to learn that there is more to him than his need to protect her and that he may be the key to understanding why her enemies have just now arrived.


Now, didn't I tell you there was a lot of vague running about?  BUT, don't let that stop you because really, it was an interesting read.  The most entertaining thing to me?  Our leading lady, Ms. Magdelene or rather Maggie if you please.  She's got a "I-can-handle-this" attitude that would shake the most well cultured gentleman to his core and that's when she's on her BEST behavious.  *laughs*  Seriously, add to that a penchant for communicating with the dead, and I don't mean Oda Mae Brown style in Ghost either...and you've got someone wicked to tangle with that's bursting with both energy AND power.  

Oh, you caught that part about the dead now didn't you?  Well, you's sorta why she's known in some circles as the Messenger.  Give her a name, time, and place of death, a message of note or not, and presto changeo, she'll deliver it more accurately than the USPS, with a distinctive return receipt.  Gotta love her ethics when she sets up shop (no payment without proof)...and you have to give her props for dealing with the two (or more) guys (term used loosely indeed....there's more than meets the eye there OBVIOUSLY) in her own way and as best as could be done, on her own terms.  I mean let's face it, the one tries to kill her two separate times (to begin with) and the other manages to save her whether she wanted assistance or not.  Not a real hard question as to who the winner of the two would be but then again we're not in Kansas anymore.  This here is New Orleans and there is A LOT that goes in that never sees the light of day.  It's best kept that way but a little reading never hurt anyone and you'll hurt a lot worse if you miss out on this adventure.

In conclusion, the start to what I can only hope will be a long and happy collaboration between a reader and her book.  My only drawback was a small detail regarding the author's writing style.  I felt at times that she didn't give the reading audience enough credit to put two and two together, as some situations were over stated.  Still, flaws and was another good read to add to the old wish list for your next trip through the pages.


About the author....

Laury Falter is a bestselling author of young adult romantic suspense and urban fantasy. She is also an animal rights activist, a sailor, a one-handed golf putterer, and a Colorado River conqueror.
She has three series out: the Guardian Trilogy, the Residue Series, and the Apocalypse Chronicles.



Ebook for review received courtesy of Cami at Reading Addiction Blog Tours.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the tour stops prior and after mine, or any other questions that may be answered by connecting to another site, feel free to click the links provided within this post.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it at an online retailer of your choosing.

Until next time....happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I do like the sound of this but admit to be put off by the author failing to give the reader credit to put two and two together.
