Sunday, October 26, 2014

Walking on Daddy's Feet by Jason Sandberg

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  

Today, we're diving back into the realm of ebooks, a land I don't venture in as often as many (~precious paper books~) but I can be found dabbling in from time to time.  The dabble inducing read today comes to us from an author previously featured here on, Jason Sandberg.  Name ring a bell?  It should.  He's brought us ebooks such as The New Crown, and Candy and the Cankersaur...and has a few more on the way that will make you look twice as you uncover their quirky titles....but today's selection tells a sweet story many can relate to.  Without further ado, today's ebook of choice is....

Walking on Daddy's Feet
Jason Sandberg

The story is what the title says, a tale of a little girl walking along on her Daddy's feet.  Oh come on, we've all done that at SOME point in our youth!  Whether it be Daddy's, Mommy's, Grandma's, Grandpa's, or another relation, we know how it feels to experience the world on someone elses two feet.  We weren't too lazy to walk on our own.  It wasn't too dangerous to give it a try.  It was the simple time shared and the fun it added to any adventure that made us climb aboard for another round.  

Here, father and daughter share time in the sun and the snow, at the beach and at home, through the city and through the neighborhood, as they create memories that'll last their whole lives through.  It shows how sharing the simplest of things can be priceless and that the best of times can be had when spent with someone we love.  It's suitable for all ages but geared towards the wee ones that'll be eager to follow in our leading ladies shadowed footsteps.  Now, this being a picture ebook, one must comment on the illustrations....

While I had fun with the Cankersaur and wondered at the Crown, my feelings were split on this aspect for Walking.  While the scenary was charming, the architecture spot on, and the clothing detailed, my eye was displeased by...the faces.  I'm not sure what it was exactly but personally, they didn't fit the characters.  The darling little girl's sweet personality gets lost a time or two behind a vacant stare or overly large smile.  Even the father shares the same fate with the one photo we have of him looking straight out at us.  Grant it, they look alike so there's no question that they are related, but this was one area I would have liked to see portrayed differently.

In the end, a sweet story with illustrations that may not hit all the marks, but still assist in making the visual experience something little ones can relate to.  As I said, it's aimed at wee readers audience wise, but I can certainly envision a parent or guardian reading this as they remember their children's first shared steps...and who could blame them?

Ebook for review courtesy of author Jason Sandberg.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as his other works, be sure to stop by his official site.  This ebook if available now, so click on over to Amazon to grab your copy now....last I checked, only $.99!

Until next time...happy reading!

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