Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blog Tour: Rite of Rejection by Sarah Negovetich - Guest Post + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're playing host to a blog tour starring a newly published author who really gives props to the blogging community...and I respect her doubly for it.  (*claps madly*)  She's introducing us to a YA dystopian world where you're pretty much told the type of person you will become...and can be banished for it. (*dun dun dunnnn*)  Ready?  Set?  Let's READ ALL ABOUT IT!  Today's spotlight shines on.... of Rejection
Sarah Negovetich

Straight-laced, sixteen-year-old Rebecca can’t wait for her Acceptance. A fancy ball, eligible bachelors, and her debut as an official member of society. Instead, the Machine rejects Rebecca. Labeled as a future criminal, she’s shipped off to a life sentence in a lawless penal colony.
A life behind barbed wire fences with the world’s most dangerous people terrifies Rebecca. She reluctantly joins a band of misfit teens in a risky escape plan, complete with an accidental fiance she’s almost certain she can learn to love.
But freedom comes with a price. To escape a doomed future and prove her innocence Rebecca must embrace the criminal within.

Available now at Amazon, B&N, Kobo & iTunes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I don't know about all of you, but I'M curious.
What is this MACHINE and why would it reject her?  Hmm....perhaps I'd do better asking, who CONTROLS it and what do they have to gain by banishing her?  I do say, I find it funny that the machine pretty much creates the future it sees, sort of a self fulfilling prophecy if you will.  I mean it says so right there....she has to "embrace the criminal within" in order to escape from where they've sent her and the others. Curious indeed!

Now, before we get into the Giveaway portion of our post, let's hear from the mind behind the work, author Sarah Negovetich!

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GUEST POST:  Author Sarah Negovetich
Where the Magic Happens...

When I was a little kid I assumed the people who wrote the books I loved all wrote them at fancy typewriters (this was before computers) in huge libraries filled with heavy tomes and lots of dark, leather furniture. And if I'm being honest, this is still how I imagine some authors working, even though I know the reality of this is far from the truth for most of them.

For me, the writing process happens a bit all over the place. As a homeschooling mom of two, I grab moments of word slinging when I can grab them, but when I get to pick these are the places I do most of my novel crafting.

The bulletin board
I'm a hard core plotter. I wrote my very first novel as a pantser. Not only did it take me 18 months to crank out a first draft, the final polished book is absolute rubbish. It's not an exaggeration to say it has zero plot. After that, I read Save the Cat by Blake Snyder and was converted to the magic of note cards and a 4x10 bulletin board. Before I write a single word, I plot the whole thing out right here.


The desk

This is my desk, such as it is. It's more like a set of shelves, really. Wide enough to pull up a chair and write, but not really comfortable. Instead, this is more like a depository for all the "stuff" that writers seem to accumulate. Pens, notecards, folders, etc. This also becomes the dumping ground for random drafts, notebooks and random sticky notes to myself.

The chair

When it's finally "butt-in-chair" time, this is where it happens. It's big enough to have a kiddo siddled in next to me, though this definitely dappens my progress. The side table contains more notebooks and various tools, and the footstool opens up to hold whatever reference book I'm using at the moment. I thought about tidying this spot up a bit before taking the picture and then realized the random shoe and overflowing table are pretty much a constant reality.

My writing spaces are far from perfect, but that's okay. Because it doesn't matter where you do what you do, just so long as you do it. Whether you sit at a desk or your kitchen table, it can take you a couple weeks or a couple years. It doesn't even matter if you never plan to let anyone else see it. If you love to write. Write.

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About the author...

Sarah Negovetich knows you don't know how to pronounce her name and she's okay with that.

Her first love is Young Adult novels, because at seventeen the world is your oyster. Only oysters are slimy and more than a little salty; it's accurate if not exactly motivational. We should come up with a better cliché.

Sarah divides her time between writing YA books that her husband won’t read and working with amazing authors as an agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency. Her life’s goal is to be only a mildly embarrassing mom when her kids hit their teens.

You can learn more about Sarah and her books at or follow her antics on Twitter @SarahNego.


Well said Ms. Negovetich!
(How DO you pronounce your name by the way?  ^_^)

So, what say YOU readers?
Any thoughts, comments, or the like you wish to share?
The comments are open; speak your mind!

Once you're done with sure to enter the contest below for an awesome prize pack fully in tune with the novel....


  #RiteOfRejection Reader Survival Pack

Prize pack includes:

Chapter 17 tissues (because that's when you'll need them), a jumbo sized chocolate bar (a hot commodity inside the PIT), an orange scented candle (courtesy of Rebecca's fondest memory from home), a dandelion pen (as featured on the cover), hand-crafted Molly bag (these are used extensively by the main characters), and a $10 Amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Special thanks to author Sarah Negovetich for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  Be sure to keep an eye on the blogosphere for the other stops along the way and if you're curious to know more about anyone or anything, just click!  Oh and if you're following the progress on Twitter (or decide to share about the book), use the hashtag #RiteofRejection for the full scoop.

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Intrigued by what I think could be a thought provoking read. Thanks for featuring this.
