Friday, December 19, 2014

Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Christmas is almost upon us but there is plenty of time still to work in a few holiday reads.  Today, we're diving into a selection from my personal library from the land of Storybooks with a festive title indeed.  It's a book I discovered while browsing my local library's bookstore and as soon as my eyes lit on the cover, I was sold.  Wanna know a secret?  I think you will be too.  So, friends and family, gather round, it's time to meet and greet today's book of choice....

Robert Barry
A Doubleday Book for Young Readers

As the title states, this is the story of a Christmas tree but not just ANY tree mind you, for it belongs to Mr. Willowby.  This fine old gent is full of holiday spirit and ready to decorate his home, nay mansion, with some festive flair.  What better way than a Christmas tree, right?  Right!  He gets the biggest, the bestest, the most Christmasy one ever delivered straight to his parlor.  But what's this?  Upon standing it up to its full's TOO TALL?!?  Egads!  It seems his eyes where bigger than his ceiling!  No worries though, his butler knows just what to do and so a few moments later its OFF with the tree top.  

*blink blink*

The tree top?
Yes, the tree top!
Whereas you or I usually take a little off the bottom, he cut a fairly large amount off the top.  Though it might seem strange, it all works out rather well for you see in this tale, nothing goes to waste.  The previously attached tree top turned mini tree ends up with the maid, who finds it too large and chops it down to size again.  Again!  Ah, but wait for it...that newly formed mini tree makes it way to the trash pile where the gardener finds it and continues the cycle until the smallest of the small, little Mistletoe Mouse, has a tree just like our dear old Mr. Willowby.

It's a VERY sweet story with amazing illustrations.  The color palette chosen works perfectly for the time of year depicted while the line work and detail put into each scene makes it clear this was a labor of love versus just another story.  I love the lessons shared along the way from waste not want not, sharing is caring, and one man's trash is another man's treasure.  Add to those the joy that the little trees bring to each barer and recipient, and you have a book that's a perfect addition to anyone's holiday reading list.

This title is available now via Random House Children's Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy holidays and happy reading!

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