Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Taste Testing Tuesdays...on Wednesday!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

So, today is WEDNESDAY so I bet you're wondering why I'm sharing today's post today in lieu of I right?  Well, it's simple really...because I felt like it.  *smirk*  ...and for this reader, ANY day is a GREAT day to share a tease.  So for all those in agreement, *hive five*; those in disagreement, you'll survive...promise.

The book I'm teasing up today is actually scheduled to swing by the blog TOMORROW on tour with a review, guest post, giveaway; you know, the whole nine yards.  Thought I might bring it to the forefront of your minds though TODAY to add a little extra fun.  So, without further ado, let's get to the teaser!

Cleo Coyle

"And if you're not careful, Clare, it's going to happen to you and your blue knight..."
It was Madame's voice that issued the haunting warning in my head.
I ignored it, refusing to believe a thing like that could happen between me and Mike.  I still couldn't believe it was happening to Esther and Boris.
When those two first met at a Brooklyn Poetry Slam, it was love at first phrase.  In the years after, I saw the adoring passion in Boris's eyes whenever he gazed at his Esther, rapping on stage, doing her work with inner-city kids, or pouring her perfect latte art.

-- pg 119 


Okay, so it's more than a one liner tease but the first part was perfect to build intrigue (at least it did for me....what's happening and why?!) and the second part was for the phrasing..."love at first phrase".  Love it!

So, have you read any of this series before?
Is this one on your wish list?
Do tell, do tell!

Be sure to stop by tomorrow as we welcome this Coffeehouse Mystery courtesy of Great Escapes Book Tours and check out the rest of the tour while you wait!

Until next time....happy holidays and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I just cant' believe this is number 14 already! I hope this series just goes on and on.
