Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Taste Testing Tuesdays

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining in the Teaser Tuesday festivities that populate the blogosphere with a tasty teaser of our own.  It comes to us from the ARC I'm currently finishing for a blog tour this Thursday and stars an author whose work we've sampled before...with rather good results too!  Ladies and gents, here comes my current read in progress....

The Codename Conspiracy, Book 2:
Countdown Zero
Chris Rylander

- pg 95

Okay, so they are trying to pitch a tent which of course seems much easier than it is considering everything our leading lad had to deal with not so many weeks ago...and what he's about to walk into.

So, what are YOU reading this week?
Do tell!

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN, indeed.

    Busy reading Sphinx by TS Learner. I didn't have high hopes to begin with but 100 pages in I'm enjoying it.

  2. Tracy: Ooh...curious to see how that one turns out for you. Happy reading!

  3. Saving the world vs setting up a tent? I'd rather save the world, as I'm hopeless when it comes to tents! Just when you think you're done, it falls down on you! Ouch!
