Monday, February 23, 2015

COVER REVEAL: Acting Out by Katrina Abbott + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're joining in the fun that surrounds author Katrina Abbott's YA series, The Rosewoods.  For those in the know, it's a FABULOUS ebook series that stars Brooklyn Prescott and "friends" at The Rosewood Academy for Academic Excellence.  It highlights their ups and downs, good times and bad, friendships made and those that should never have been, all in easy to digest in an afternoon editions that'll keep you turning the pages...virtually that is.  If you haven't made their acquaintance yet (or simply need a reminder), here's a peek back at Book 1 to make sure we're on the same page....

The Rosewoods, Book 1
Katrina Abbott
About the book...
Brooklyn Prescott (if that’s even her real name) is the new girl at The Rosewood Academy for Academic Excellence, now that she’s moved back to the States after two years living in London.
Rosewood, a boarding school for children of the rich and famous and known for its celebutantes, is missing just one element important to any junior’s education: boys. But luckily for Brooklyn and the rest of the Rosewood girls, there’s a boys’ boarding school, The Westwood Academy, just a few miles away.

On her very first day Brooklyn meets Will, a gorgeous and flirty boy on campus to help with move in. But is he who she thinks he is? And what about Brady, the cute stable boy? Or Jared, the former child actor with his grown-up good looks, who can always make her laugh? As Brooklyn settles in at Rosewood, she’s faced with new friends, new challenges and new opportunities to make herself into the girl she always wanted to be. Whoever that might be.
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Good times to be had!
There's friendships to be made, hearts to be broken, love triangles (or is that a square?) to be sorted out.  All the elements that we love in Young Adult reading with enough spark to keep it interesting but not so much that one would worry about the younger set getting their hands on these, if you know what I mean.
If you've read it, I'm curious....who were YOU rooting for?
Are you a Brady fan?  Perhaps Jared?  Don't tell me; you went for Will, didn't you?

The Rosewoods Book 1masqueradeplaying the part cover
Reading Between The Lines smallThis Point Forwardmaking_ripples
Now, the REAL reason we're here today is to unveil the cover for BOOK 7 in the series, entitled Acting Out.  Though I've got some catching up to do in my reading, it doesn't stop me in the least from getting all excited about this next installment.  (More reading fun to be had!)
Ready freddy?  Here goes. 
*raises the virtual curtain*


The Rosewoods, Book 7
Katrina Abbott
About the book...

Seychelles Spencer—Chelly to her friends—is the resident bombshell at The Rosewood
Academy for Academic Excellence; Westwood boys want her and Rosewood girls want to be
her. But being the popular girl isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be, especially when that girl is
all an act. Oh, she’s not exactly lying about who she is, it’s just that the confident, outgoing
exterior is quite different from the girl inside.

 Not that it’s ever been a problem for Chelly. Until now. Because now that she sees her
friends settling down with boyfriends, she’s decided she no longer wants to be the carefree girl
who gets all the boys’ attention. Now she wants to draw the attention of one guy and get herself a steady boyfriend.

But before she can make that happen, a game of truth or dare that was supposed to be stacked
in her favor goes terribly wrong and Chelly finds herself at the center of a dare that will make
sure she never gets a guy. Still, she’s determined and will do whatever it takes to get herself a
guy of her own.

But who? And at what cost? And most importantly, is she ready to drop the act?
Acting Out is the seventh installment of The Rosewoods, a Young Adult series for readers
who love fun, flirty love stories.

Now see?  THAT'S what I'm talking about.
This is what makes it a great series for Young Adult readers (girls more so than guys, sorry fellas).  Though it's seamless, each installment tackles an issue in some way that hits the nail on the head for girls of the same age group while the story is still enjoyable for those outside the target range.  It's fun, flirty and frankly fantastic...and I'm going to stop with the "F" words there before they get out of hand.
About the author...
Katrina Abbott
Author gone underground for a special young adult project.
Writes about cute boys and smart girls.
Connect with her online...

 Image result for thank you
Special thanks to author Katrina Abbott for the chance to bring this cover reveal to all of you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the author, or anything else that might fit your fancy while reading this post, please feel free to click through the links provided. 

Image result for contest
But wait!
Before you go, don't forget to enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card that will go quite a ways in setting you up with the entire series (*hint hint*). 
To enter, just CLICK HERE and fill out the Rafflecopter form.
Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the covers of this series, especially that of Making Ripples. Simple and yet somehow dramatic, I really like the edition of those little hearts.
