Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Watch out world! Here comes TOM GATES! - Double Review + SURPRISE!

Hi there!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Goodbye March, hello April!
Can you believe a new month has already begun?  Month FOUR of twelve to be precise which means 2015 is booking right along...and for all of us BOOKING is a fabulous term to use.  (^_^) Today, we're welcoming the next thirty days with a DOUBLE book review and a little something more.  Uh-uh-uh!  You'll have to keep reading to learn what that SURPRISE is but trust me, it's worth it.  Now, let's get into the right frame of mind for today's featured titles.  First, shake out your arms.  Now, shake out both legs.  Okay, next I need you to turn in a circle clockwise three times.  Oh go one is watching!


Had ya, didn't I?
Seriously though, this is a fun read from the Kids Fiction genre that's coming to us from across the pond so loosing up is definitely the way to go in approaching it.  Ready to meet your kid's (or your own) next best friend?  Ladies and gents, I give you the FUNtabulous, snark-filled, watch out for grandma's cooking reads of your spring time holidays via Candlewick Press from author Liz Pichon, it's time to meet Tom Gates!


This is where we are introduced to the one and only Tom Gates, along with his merry band of friends, frenemies, teachers, and fellow Dude3 enthusiasts.  He is a funny fellow with a definite sweet tooth (caramel wafers are his FAVORITE).  Annoying his older sister is one of his beloved past times (naturally), designing the PERFECT logo for his band-in-the-making (Dog Zombies) is high on his priority list as is illustrating his life in general (something that can be seen page by page by page), and one upping his arch nemesis Marcus Meldrew is simply icing on the cake.  Yes, Tom lives a gifted life...though it would go much better if he actually DID his homework instead of putting it off.  His recent desire to capture the attention and approval of his classmate Amy leads to some embarrassing moments but nothing this quick thinking dynamo (and friends!) can't handle.  It was simply brilliant how he manages to get out of...well, you'll see.  ^_^  As this chapter closes, you'll be ready to join him on his next adventure...and wouldn't you know it, here it is right now!

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This time around we're on school break!  Two weeks of nothing but lazing around, eating caramel crisps, and band practice with Dog Zombies.  Ah, the sweet life...or it would have been if the band didn't decide they need a drummer (and only imaginary people actually sign up for tryouts!), Tom actually completed his homework assignment (yes, the review project STILL lingers), and the mother of sweet tooth's decides to pull a cavity.  Oye!  What's a boy to do?!  Well, try to avoid the inevitable while prolonging his pain, THAT'S what!  Tom doesn't want to be restricted from sweets in the WORST way and thus the painful journey begins.  With just as much twists as last time, and humor to spare, this another fun romp throughTom's world complete with illustrations to make certain his points come across LOUD and clear.

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Together, they make quite the pair.  Separate, they are still amazing and can quite possibly be read in any order, though the story of Tom's continued efforts to avoid doing his review assignment will be missing some of the humor.  Book 1 is available now, with book 2 on its way this MAY 2015.  Think of this as a great option for those that love stories told by someone that could be you or me, written about life and all the craziness it can add up to at times, but told in the more simpler terms of a child's free wheeling pen.  A great pick for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, or MacKenzie Blue, or even The Monster in My Closet series.  Now, about that SURPRISE...

In case you haven't already guessed, the SURPRISE comes in the form of a CONTEST!  That's right!  Thanks to the fab folks at Candlewick Press, I have my very own review copies of this book and a fabulous tote bag to boot!  (THANKS!)  What's that?  Oh, you wanted to win something too?  WISH GRANTED!  (You didn't think I'd leave you in the dust now did you?)

Up for grabs is your very own book, bookmark, and tote combo pack and all you have to do to win is enter!  That's it!  Simple as that!  Fill in the Rafflecopter form below and BAM!  Instant entry...or entries if you decide to take the plural route. 

Entries accepted today through April 10, 2015 at midnight CST.
Open to US/Canada residents only; no PO Boxes please.

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Special thanks to Raquel at Candlewick Press for the promo pack as well as the chance to bring the same bookish joy to all of you!  (THANKS!)  For more information on this series, their growing catalog, the publisher, author, or anything else that is non-manky (check the glossary at book's end...handy dandy for interpreting the U.K.-ish sayings in the book and updating your own vocab!), feel free to click through the links provided above.

Until next time...GOOD LUCK...and happy reading!


  1. Such a fabulous prize package absolutely ice. I would love to read this book and will as soon as I finish the one I'm currently devouring. Oh by the way Thanks one is The Collector Nora Roberts my first love go to author

  2. A vacation which took place during the 1950's when I was young at a fishing camp, by a beautiful lake and the sun shone everyday, the fish we caught tasted yummy and the peace and quiet were never again replicated since we grew up, changed and never returned. thanks for this great feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. These sound like so much fun. :) Love the covers. Thanks for sharing about them!
