Monday, July 6, 2015

Dogs Don't Look Both Ways by Jane Hanser

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please the reader in you, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're jumping into a true story straight from the horse's...err, I mean DOG'S mouth.  That's right!  It's a combination Pet Memoir and Pet Parenting book that gives us the skinny on the ins and outs of daily life through the eyes of a precocious chocolate Lab named Joey.  So, if you're ready to sit and stay for a spell, join me as we welcome today's eBook of choice...

A Primer on Unintended Consequences
Jane Hanser
Ivy Books

About the book...
Joey, the chocolate Labrador, is an incredibly well-socialized dog who also loves to run and run. Living in the neighborhood of the Boston Marathon, he runs as many as twelve miles a day, early in the morning, with his dad. But after they return home from a run, Joey still wants more, much more. Keenly observant, he allows no opportunity to explore the world pass him by. Will his insatiable sense of discovery lead him to gratification? Or to danger? Preparing his shenanigans well in advance, a decision Joey makes early one morning forever changes his life and the lives of his mom and dad, his running partner, and leaves them to deal with the consequences.


Told from the viewpoint of the family dog, we are taken on a day by day recollection of life when led by the nose.  Here, we meet Joey and his family as they tackle life one adventure at a time.  From birth to separation from his siblings, making his new home his own to becoming king of the daily run with his new dad, we are there for it all...until one day, his curiosity takes him off leash and out of bounds a time too many with disastrous consequences.

Now, before you go getting the tissues, let me lay your mind to rest...there is a happy ending to this one lacking and it lacks fluffy clouds, rainbows and eternal parks.  That's right, Joey does survive his encounter between beast and machine but the real question wasn't his survival; after all, he's a dog and they are made of pretty strong stuff!  The REAL question was would his quality of life ever be the same?  Now THAT'S the answer you'll have to seek between the pages.  Along the way, you'll make friends with many in pet-friendly-occupations, seeing just how dedicated they are to their crafts.  You'll learn a thing or two about pet parenting, such as how fences are our friends, "lampshades" are not fun for anyone, and never underestimate the power of the bound between man and's enough to raise mountains.

The author mentions that she has found her work shelved in several locations within libraries and bookstores...anywhere from Pets to Memoirs to Children's Non-Fiction.  I can certainly see where the semi-confusion comes in because while it's about/by a dog (Pets) sharing his real life experiences (Memoirs), the writing style speaks more to the younger reader (Children's Non-Fiction).  It can be repetitive in thoughts shared as well as the day in and out activities participated in, a fact that will have you experiencing deja vu from time to time...but then again, it IS told by a dog.  I can definitely see life appearing that way to them so while it may be a small irritation to older readers, it lends to the reality of whom the author REALLY is.

All in all, an enjoyable read that will have you rooting for  ^-^  It'll warm your heart at the pure joy he takes in the simplest of things while making you catch your breath as the unthinkable comes close to happening.  You'll share the frustrations he and his family experience on his road to recovery while learning a thing or two that you can carry off the page and share with the pet in your life.  Recommended read for early YA readers through adults.


About the author...

Jane Hanser has developed software to teach writing, self-published a grammar book and taught English as a Second Language at several campuses of the City University of New York. She has an M.Ed. in English Education and ESL from the Graduate School of Temple University. In her other life, she is dedicated to many and varied community activities. Her poetry and essays have been published in numerous print and online journals such as Poetica Magazine, The Persimmon Tree, Every Writer's Resource, and others. She spends way too much time on the computer. She is married and lives, works and plays in Newton, MA. Joey’s descriptions of her in Dogs Don't Look Both Ways are, except for a few insignificant details of time and place, true and accurate.



Special thanks to author Jane Hanser for the eBook for review as well as the chance to shine the spotlight on her work.  (THANKS!)  For more information on the title, author, or to pick up a copy of your own, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Ivy books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. I don't tend to do animal stories but this sounds like a good read. Perfect for all those dawgie fans out there. Our neighbours children who have labs (both chocolate and brown) would love this.

  2. Gina, Thanks so much for your wonderful review of my book. You really captured it perfectly - the emotional, the entertaining, the "takeaway" aspects, what it is and what it's not, what it is supposed to be and what it's not supposed to be. All the best to you, and continued happy reading! Jane.

  3. as you know dogs leave paw prints on our heads this is a wonderful charming look at mans best friend and a marvelous review as always Thank you for the review and opportunity to read it

  4. Tracy, thanks for your positive impression of my book (Gina did such a wonderful job of reviewing it) and I hope you and/or the neighbors' children enjoy the book! Jane
