Sunday, August 2, 2015

Letters from the Way by Barbara V. Anderson

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're taking a stroll through Europe courtesy of our featured author.  This particular title came to my attention the end of last year but alas, I've not had a moment to add it to the review schedule.  I know, bad reader/reviewer.  Well after the week I've had and the promise of a day off tomorrow (technically today as this is posting on Sunday), I was in the mood for a wander.  Grab your walking shoes and your passport, we're heading overseas for a unique look countries most dream of backpacking through in today's book of choice... 
A Walking Journey
Barbara V. Anderson
It's just what it sounds like, a collection of letters that the author wrote/sent while making her way along the path of St-Jacques.  It's a pilgrimage route that many soul searchers and walking enthusiasts embark on for reasons of their own, crossing from France to Spain with few resting stops along the way.  If you're expecting tourist hangouts, five star restaurants, and big chain hotels...think again.  Having a roof over your head while you partake of a family's evening meal and sleep in a bed of any sort is a blessing bigger than you can imagine here, but it's not about the amenities; it's about the journey of the heart.
The author found more than just beauty in the scenery surrounding her, though that was abundant and clear thanks to the photographs included within, she discovered kindred spirits in those traveling the same road as well as her own inner strength.  Despite language barriers, getting lost along the way, and almost having to call it quits before it even began, she forged a path that would remain in her memories as well as her heart.  It was wonderful to see just what clarity the trip brought her as her letters revealed her innermost wonderings and thoughts.  To see priorities realign themselves and her determination set in once again, just reminds us to value what we hold dear and take nothing for granted.  It was an experience to be there first hand I'm sure, but the recollections shared certainly make you feel like one of the gang.
Special thanks to Kevin at Leabhar Public Relations for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, or those promotions forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Incanto Press, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.
Until next time...happy reading!

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