Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Texas Summer by Leslie Hachtel

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're turning up the heat as we jump into a blistering read from the Contemporary Romance genre.  It's from a new to me author that definitely likes to keep things between the sheets, or should I say characters, making this an ADULTS ONLY recommendation straight out the gate.  Ready or not, here comes today's featured title...

About the book...
What if your car broke down on a deserted highway in the middle of Texas? Would you think it was fate and that it would change your life? When Wylie Nichols walked toward the nearest town, his future was forever altered. Waiting was earthy, sexy, enigmatic Kennedy. With a convoluted family history and the power to make his dreams come true. The problem when you’re a stranger in a small town is you never know what you might discover. In this particular town, there is murder, greed, lust. And passionate romance.


Every once in a while, I read a title that doesn't quite become my best friend.  In fact, there are some cases where that despite me having followed the story from cover to cover avoiding the dreaded DNF category, if it were a person I could literally pass it by on the street without a second glance.  Sound harsh?  I suppose in some ways it is, but I did finish it and that counts for something.

I'm breaking this one down into pro's and con's, at least as far as this reader is concerned.


1.)  The cover and title are appealing.
No one can say that the couple pictured lack a spark nor the scenery be void of beauty.  The way the sun lights them up with a halo effect (thought they are both lacking the angelic streak intensely) is definitely well planned.  The title leads me to believe that the story obviously takes place in Texas, and possible features an end of summer romance.

2.)  The lead characters are really good at heart.
It may be hard to see but Wylie and Kennedy are cut from the same cloth.  He gets himself in trouble defending the honor of others; she by defending herself from those that should be standing for her.  It seems destined that they found each other and yet you wish neither one had to go through the things they both did in order to get there.

3.)  The supporting characters are full of surprises.
In this case, I'm mainly referring to Norma.  First off, Norma is a MAN (just in case you were wondering) and while he definitely has a past, he didn't let it keep him down.  He built himself a business with a good reputation and wasn't about to take anything from the likes of anyone, especially when those he cared about were in jeopardy.  He may have missed out on his own kid's life, but he was a wonderful stand in for Ms. Kennedy.


1.)  They fall into bed more times than a bedbug on holiday.
No lie.  The book is just under 200 pages and I lost track of how many times they were lost between the sheets, when they even made it there.  The number of encounters and the amount of detail with which they were described found me wondering why it might not have been better to classify it as Erotica.

2.)  I felt mislead by the title.
No.  You can't get the whole story (nay even half of it) from just the title, but even with the synopsis taken into account, I still wasn't prepared for THIS story.  We're talking child molestation that carried on into adulthood, twisted sibling rivalry, bartering in sex acts, murder...and the list goes on.  The topics covered are much darker and grittier than you would expect.

Overall, I can't say it was a win for my own experience, for the very reasons listed above, but it wasn't a complete loss, again for the reasons listed above.  Would I have reacted differently had I been more prepared for what was to come?  Probably not...as I might not have embarked on the journey at all.  Does that mean I recommend this book any less to all of you?  Nope.  It means that while I won't be singing its praises from the mountains high, I'll let you make your own decision.  After all, one person's reading low can be another person's high.


About author Leslie Hachtel...

I am a writer who is constantly in search. My journey is fascinating and leads to…love.
The best thing about my writing buddy, Jakita, is that whenever I read my work to her, she listens attentively and wags her tail with approval. Unconditional love. I wish that for everyone.



Special thanks to Penny at Author Marketing Experts, Inc for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or those promotions forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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