Monday, September 21, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Inspector Dewey by Kristen Heimerl

Hi guys!
Welcome back to another week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're on the case as iRead Book Tours swings by with a Picture Book title that is going to knock your socks off. Don't believe me? But it's elementary my dear readers! Elementary indeed. So, if you would please make your way to your coziest reading nook and grab the nearest fur baby, it's time to meet today's book of choice...

Kristen Heimerl
Illustrated by
Irene Bofill

About the book...
My name is Dewey--Inspector Dewey.

I live in the big green house on Hampshire Avenue with my family: Thumper, Lily, and Anna. I am the Big Cat—responsible for keeping everyone safe and in order. I do this quite well, in spite of the fact that managing my family is like, well, herding cats!

Mostly our life is peaceful. But one night it wasn’t. That was the night the bad guy showed up on our block. Of course, I knew exactly how to outsmart the outlaw, but—miserable mullet!—would Anna and the police understand my instructions?

To find out how the adventure ended, you’ll have to read my book. But I’ll give you a hint: there’s a reason I’m called Inspector Dewey.

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Fifty percent of the profits from the sale of this book will fund veterinary care for pets whose families are in financial need, so that the animals can remain in their homes and out of the shelter system.

To learn more, visit


This is the most adorable book ever!  No, seriously. From the moment it first arrived looking like this...

....I knew something special was about to be unleashed. I opened the box, taking care not to cut too deep for fear of damaging the book within. Slowly, I opened the envelope, peeking inside when my curiosity could simply stand no more, only to find... gotta admit; packaging can go a long way in making something more appealing, not that this needed any additional help in that department.

From the moment my eyes gazed upon the cover to the final page turn, I was hooked. Dewey is a remarkable cat with super kitty powers that are proven rather valuable time and time again. He's the leader of his little family and rightfully so being the most curious and take charge feline of the bunch. The bunch to which I am referring would be his family consisting of Thumper (larger cat that loves life, in all its flavors), Lily (the youngest and most playful), and Anna (their human). Four peas in a pod that love each other dearly, but when danger comes to their neighborhood, they don't take it laying down. They put their pretty little heads together and with stealth, finesse, and kitty intuition, they manage to save the day for the whole town! Go kitties, go!

As I said, a wonderful story but the gold star recipient, to me, would be the illustrator. I simply could not get enough of these gorgeous pictures! From the warm and fuzzy color palette chosen to the sweetness conveyed in each kitty's face to the little inspector himself, there isn't a page that I didn't "ahh" and "ooh" over. Seriously. I would hang these images on my walls, frame them for a classroom or library, or even gift them to an expectant mother for their nursery. They are JUST that good! 

To conclude, a grand adventure fit for felines and their human counterparts alike. There isn't a soul out there that wouldn't enjoy some aspect of this wonderful little book. From it's wit and charm to it's amazing illustrations, there's a bit of bookish magic for everyone.


About the author...

Marketing Officer, Strategy Expert, Innovator and Brand Builder, Kristen’s business career spans 20+ years serving the biggest brands in industry and the biggest hearts of start-ups and entrepreneurs. Kristen revels in bringing compelling products and services to life and helping leaders and individuals with big dreams realize their big goals.

Kristen’s life joys include her 2+ year obsession creating the most beautiful self-published picture book possible, the breathtaking forests and lakes of her Minnesota birthplace, the family that really does love her no matter what, and her three magnificent Norwegian Forest Cats who together, with Kristen, helped catch the bad guy on their block that inspired her upcoming book (stake out and high speed chase included!)

She holds a master of science in eCommerce from Carnegie Mellon University, an MBA from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management, and a BA from the University of St. Thomas. As the great transformer in her life, Kristen supports others’ education and literacy as an adjunct professor of business and strategy and, more recently, through her children’s book, Inspector Dewey (Available September 2015).

Kristen’s site for her work “Inspector Dewey” will be premiering on May 31st, 2015. In addition, you can read more about Kristen’s work at, also live on May 31st.


Special thanks to Laura at iRead Book Tours for the ARC for review as well as the chance to bring this promotion to you. (THANKS!) For more information about this title, the author, the publisher, THIS TOUR, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available via Three Norwegians Ltd., so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing. Now, before you go, how about a chance to win?

That's right!
Courtesy of iRead Book Tours, I am pleased to present you with a chance to win one a SEVERAL fabulous prizes. All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Easy peasey.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Oh, how I loved reading your review and your advice: grab the nearest fur baby and get reading! Thank you, sincerely for spending some time with Inspector Dewey. It's been such a joy to create! Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  2. Oh my goodness, sounds like a wonderful book and for a great cause.

    PS We had a rabbit named Thumper when I was a girl.

  3. Thanks for your comments on today's Media Monday post. As well as on my FB page I've also given a shout out to Inspector Dewey in the comments box on my blog in the hope of spreading the word.
