Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A New Frontier... Libre by S.H. Jucha

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

It's that time again.  Time to take a trip across the galaxy as we dive into book two of The Silver Ships series.  What's that?  You thought I didn't like Science Fiction?  Well, it all depends on the book.  The story has to grab my attention.  The writing has to make me believe it without going so far as to need an implant myself to decode it.  So being that book one was devoured this past weekend, and book two is following suit today, I'd say this series is rating pretty HIGH on my charts...and I'm happy to report book three is NOT disappointing, but that's a review for another day.  Today's book of choice is...

Libre, A Silver Ships Novel (TSS #2)

Silver Ships, Book 2

About the book...
The saga of the Rêveur continues in this second novel in The Silver Ships series. The surviving Méridiens have returned to Confederation space, aided by their recently discovered cousins, the New Terrans. They expect a celebration after their 71-year absence. Instead, they’re shocked to find the silver ships have destroyed half the Confederation.

The Méridiens are fleeing in advance of the horde of alien ships. But Alex Racine and his crew didn’t come this far to run away from humanity’s enemy. They intend to hunt the silver ships. But, to succeed, they need help.

Renée de Guirnon, the leader of the Rêveur’s Méridiens, reveals a sordid secret of Méridien society: citizens who defy their House, for any reason, are stripped of their rights, declared “Independents,” and imprisoned on the planet Libre.

But the Independents aren’t everyone’s pariahs, especially if you’re Alex Racine and you’re looking for allies against the silver ships. An entire colony of independent, free-thinking radicals offers just the sort of people Alex wants on his side, and an alliance is struck.

Soon the enemy ships will swarm off the planet Bellamonde, so the race begins for Alex and the Librans. The planet must be evacuated and the military force readied before the silver ships attack. Alex knows a battle is coming, but will they have enough time to prepare?


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At this point in the game, the characters have become our friends and family, even those we've lost along the way. I know was celebrating their successes and saddened by the losses.  Upon the arrival of the House Alexander, we find that the Independents of Libre aren't so different from New Terrans, though their one leader (Eric) really needs to be careful around airlocks, or just stop talking.  No really, STOP TALKING!  Though delivering bad news, it wasn't entirely unexpected, even if the source was.  Alex having developed some alien essence of his own, makes his introduction as Captain, Admiral, and ultimately hero (though he'd never use that term and I certainly would but to encompass him as well as his team) that much easier and we see his ideas become their ideas.  His plans, their plans.  His orders, their pleasure....though he always asks before tells.  Gotta say, this guy is probably one of my favorite characters here, and when taken with his Meridien "other half", they are a couple to aspire to.

Now the story has action aplenty, but it also has the "feels" in spades.  Some pages will spike your adrenaline as you see the silver ships take without asking, destroy with no mercy.  You can't but want to jump through the pages to join the fight as Alex and his SADE team work timeline after timeline, scenario after scenario in an effort to trim the fat and make the impossible, possible. I mean how hard can it be to save an ENTIRE planet worth of people in a meager few month or two?  Pfft!  Child's play!  Okay, I'm most certainly jesting there, but you get the picture.  Alex has grown with his team and with time, but the shy, solo captain that feels every burden as his own is still underneath it all.  It's hard to walk around with the worlds on your shoulders.  Just as the action will have you on your feet, so will the emotional passages move you to tears.  There's a particular scene with a particular person (Fiona) that I just...I just can't....I can't talk about without tearing up.  I was explaining it to another and THEY began tearing up before I even handed them the book to read what I was talking about.  It's just THAT good.  Trust me, you'll know it when you read it.

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All in all, I'd say this one definitely beat the dreaded Sophomore slump.  Need a definition on that one?  No problem.  It's when the second book is never as good as the first and pretty much serves as a way to get from point A to point B, or in this case book one to book three.  No worries here, it stands on its own two feet and while it can be read as a stand alone...really, why?  Why would you want to miss out?  Recommended for Science Fiction and not-so-sci-fi fans alike.  It has a little something for everyone.


About author S.H. Jucha...

Born in Anchorage, Alaska, I currently reside with my wife in San Diego, California.

I've spent years overseas, earned two college degrees, held many jobs, and found a wonderful marriage partner. My writing and my marriage life started together. My first attempt at a novel, entitled "The Lure", was a crime drama centered around the surfacing of a 110-carat yellow diamond lost during the French Revolution.

In 1980, in preparation for the book, I spent two wonderful weeks researching the Brazilian people, their language, and the religious customs of Candomblé. The day I returned from Rio, I had my first date with my wife-to-be, Peggy Giels.

Over the next thirty-four years, I outlined dozens of novels, but a busy career limited my efforts to complete a single one. Now, the time has come, and I've thoroughly enjoyed planning, researching, and writing my first novel—in fact, the entire series.

I discovered the joy of reading when I was thirteen. Today, I hope I’m sharing that joy with my readers through my stories.


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Special thanks to Mallory at Smith Publicity Inc for the copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this series, this title, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now in tree and ebook formats, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Be sure to tune in all week as we explore the rest of this three some (my review of book one can be found here) as it draws towards what I'm hoping will be a stunning conclusion....for now (it's slated to be a FIVE book series with a possible spin off!).

Until next time...happy reading!

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