Monday, February 29, 2016

BLOG TOUR: Ordinary People Change the World: I Am Albert Einstein by Brad Meltzer

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to another exciting day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining a month long blog tour already in progress from the folks over at Penguin Young Readers.  It stars the amazing Children's Non-Fiction Picture Book series Ordinary People Change the World by Brad Meltzer and highlights eight memorable "characters" from our past still affecting our present in ways you may or may not have known, all in an eye pleasing package with smiles, and humor to boot!  It's in that newer category of EDUtainment and it really leaves its mark, but you don't have to just take MY word for it.  All month long, you'll find these titles throughout the blogosphere in reviews, spotlights, contests, and a little something more.  What's that?  Curious about the something more?  Keep reading my friends, keep reading.  

In today's spotlight, we're paying tribute to the man who brought us the Theory of Relativity and reminded us " never stop questioning".  He's a well known historical figure with a past that may surprise, and he's now the star of his own book in the EDUtainment series sweeping the book world.  Ladies and gents, children of all ages, let's get scientific with a mind not unlike yours or mine as we welcome today's book of choice...

I Am Albert Einstein
Ordinary People Change the World
Brad Meltzer
Illustrated by
Christopher Eliopoulos
Dial Books

About the book....
We can all be heroes. That’s the inspiring message of this New York Times Bestselling picture book biography series from historian and author Brad Meltzer.

Even when he was a kid, Albert Einstein did things his own way. He thought in pictures instead of words, and his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of music and why a compass always points north. Those ideas made him want to keep figuring out the secrets of the universe. Other people thought he was just a dreamer, but because of his curiosity, Einstein grew up to be one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known.
What makes a hero? This lively, fun biography series by best-selling author Brad Meltzer answers the question, one great role model at a time.

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Image result for e=mc2

Albert Einstein.
The man.
The scientist.
The legend.

Was he always the great scientific mind we came to know? NO!  Surprise, surprise.  It took time, energy, and diligence for the way he saw the world to jive with the reality of it all, but once it did....BOOM!  Pure magic that changed the way we see things in so many ways.

In every installment of this series, we've met someone that could have been your best friend, loved one, neighbor, or even ourselves, that went on to do great and memorable things that changed the world.  That's the beauty of it.  It reminds us that the everyday is not just the every can be more, it can be better, BIGGER, and surprising in ways we never imagined.  Don't count anyone out because they may be the one to really blow the lid off something you found beyond confounding...or perhaps that person may be YOU!

Now, I've had the pleasure of reading and sharing several of the titles in this series, but in lieu of JUST a review, this tour begged for something more.  That's right.  We're making things interactive and bringing YOU into the to speak.  ^-^  When presented with the question of "what add in to ADD in" for this particular story, I admit...I was stumped!  It took thinking, pondering, and a well timed conversation with an associate at work (Thanks Anya!) for something to really STICK.  There was the science experiment angle, but I didn't really feel making play dough or growing rock candy was thrilling enough (though both are rather fun and you should try them some time!).  There was the E=MC squared angle, but let's face it, I'm not a rocket scientist myself and short of displaying the imagery and inviting you to play Einstein yourselves, that was the extent of that fun time addition.  But wait..."invite you to play Einstein" there's an idea!


Arts & Crafts Tie In 

* One copy of I Am Albert Einstein for inspiration
* A few sheets of copy or construction paper
* A pencil with eraser...just in case
* Markers, colored pencils, or other coloring devices
* One pair of scissors
* A healthy dose of IMAGINATION...and a smidgeon of artistic talent

Now, there is a rather infamous picture of the esteemed scientist that you may have seen in some fashion of another.  It has him pictured hair fairly wild and his tongue sticking out like nobodies business.  You can find it online or locally in your community, but it's also pictured in the back of the book.  Here's where that imagination and talent come in.  Put pencil to paper and... 

....create a FACE of sorts for you to BECOME ALBERT EINSTEIN!  A few pencil strokes here, a marker or two there, and a cut out for your eyes and nose and TADA!  Instant photo op to be the man himself....and one I couldn't resist myself...


That's only the beginning!
You can take selfies, groupies, share it with friends, convince your family to join in, or take that base image and EXPAND!  I couldn't stop at just one and was inspired by the wonderful illustrations included in this title so I took it upon myself to get gussied up as the little dude himself....

How do I look?


Special thanks to Rachel at Penguin Young Readers for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the author, the publisher, or the tour, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now via Dial Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing. Now, before you go...

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Sounds like a fun and informative way of introducing these characters to young readers. You do realise I'm now going to spend the rest of the day choosing just which individuals I'd include in the series.

  2. Cool fun for children and adults alike this is a great way to demonstrate that learning can be fun thanks to our reviewer for the tip
