Sunday, June 5, 2016

Snappsy the Alligator by Julie Falatko

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're dragging a title kicking and screaming into the spotlight because as the subtitle insists...the lead character did not ask to be in this book, nor on my site today.  That being said, I'm the "master chef" of my (blogspot) domain, and if I say a book is going up, you best believe it's going up.  *dusts hands off*  Now, so that I don't prolong his captivity any longer than I have to, and so that you can get on with your day filled to the brim with things to do, people to see, and a new book to buy (hehe), here's today's Picture Book of choice...

Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book)

Snappsy the Alligator
Illustrated by

This the unauthorized story of one particularly intriguing alligator and his quest  *blinks*  Okay, but it really IS so much more than that and don't let his well-dressed appearance fool you.  Here you'll get an inside peek at how he tracks his victims (right in the kitchen), corners his prey (in the cabinet beside the jelly), and serves them up on a platter (technically a plate, between bread slices, and with a cold drink).  We learn his penchant for food that starts with the letter "P", his desire to "be alone" as he creates his foody masterpiece, and that he can throw one heck of a party!  Trust me, though he may not have ASKED to be in this book, Snappsy does an awfully good job of starring in it, much to his chagrin.

What a FUN little read!  First of all, the illustrations are colorful, expressive, and on point for every scene we are traversing.  Whether it's through the jungle, across a crowded parking lot, to the shut door of his humble abode, or next to the punch bowl at the party of the year, you feel like you're right there in the scene, welcome despite your lack of formal invitation.  Now as for the story, it's told by an all seeing narrator who remains off the page until the final few, but boy are they plucky!  They manage to ruffle Snappsy's feathers...err, umm, scales as they propel the reader forward through his urban adventure by telling what he sees, but perhaps in not the MOST accurate way.  Naughty narrator.  By book's end, you've made more animal friends than you expected and seen Snappsy turn well mannered host even to our narrator despite their head butting along the way.

Image result for twitter #theUndies

A delightful read for all ages that will have you smiling from ear to ear.  A better way to spend some reading time on a Sunday afternoon?  Some may say yes, but I say NO...and invite you to tag along to Snappsy's shed for some pudding and punch.  After all, who doesn't like pudding?  Oh and by the way, that curious little award I saw going round on Twitter for #theUndies, yeah...this one should TOTALLY be a contender.


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Special thanks to the Penguin Random House team for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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