Saturday, October 15, 2016

Literary heroes come to life?: Boyfriend by the Book by Laura Briggs

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to the bookish place to be any day of the weekend, or weekend, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're diving into a great read for your weekend picks that's perfect for a Saturday night.  How so?  Well, Fridays and Saturdays are typically seen as DATE nights.  You know, going someplace with your chosen other in the hopes of sparking a connection that sizzles like the sun in the sky, the stars at night, comets through space, like...well, you get the picture.  ^-^  Some of us have it, some are still looking and some of us are perfectly content where we're at...but then come the friends.  We love them to death and they mean well, but sometimes their advice in more personal matters isn't always the most welcome, or effective.  Which brings us to today's ebook of choice...

Laura Briggs
Amazon Digital Services

About the book...
Jodi Nichols isn’t the most romantic girl on the planet. She doesn’t get mushy over fictional love stories, or picture herself getting swept away by a handsome heroShe’s much too grounded in reality—and much too busy working as a concierge at the luxurious Regent hotel. Helping customers is Jodi’s passion in life, and while romance may be on the back burner for now, she is nursing a little crush on Levi, the cute and friendly deliveryman for the hotel packages. And unless she’s imagining things, Levi feels the same way about her.

But Jodi’s friends think she’s turning into a lonely workaholic. They try to fix her love life, buying her a copy of the bestselling relationship guide that claims women can find true love by channeling the wisdom of famous storybook heroines. Jodi thinks it sounds crazy—no way is she acting like Jane Eyre or Lizzie Bennet to find a man! But when Levi suddenly grows distant and Jodi’s chances with him seem to fizzle before her eyes, she wonders if her friends might have a point after all. Disheartened and lonely, she decides to give the so-called relationship guide a whirl, with unexpected consequences.

Before you can say ‘Pride and Prejudice’, Jodi is up to her neck in handsome, brooding men that seem too much like fictional heroes to be true. Her attempts to think like the greatest heroines in romance lead her to meet everything from a modern Mr. Rochester to an angsty Heathcliff, and even a Darcy-esque novelist. But when a former crush re-enters her life in the form of a modern day Romeo, Jodi wonders if there might be something to this ‘inner heroine’ thing after all. Now, if she could just stop thinking about Levi, then maybe her happy-ever-after will fall into place…or is something still missing from Jodi’s storybook romance?


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The short and sweet of it...
...her well-meaning best friends have taken a look at her love life and declared it...nonexistent.  That fine with her, she's career focused right now, but the besties collectively say "NO WAY" and proceed to inject their own ideas of who would be her Mister Right...with a little literary help.  Imagine, a self-help relationship book that guides us to our own Mr. Darcy, Heathcliff, or the lot.  Sounds dreamy to a degree, but what are the odds that they'd turn out so well in real life?  Yeah...what are the odds indeed.  Misadventures in dating take place and while she broadens her horizons, and learned a lot about self confidence in areas other than work, she's not so certain her Mr. Right is going to make an appearance.  Will she be left in Single-dom now that her heart has awakened and wants more or will her happily-ever-after still come to pass?  You'll have to read it to find out....

Image result for literary boyfriends

The longer part or rather the not so summary-type version, but my thoughts and impressions...
...I loved our leading lady, warts and all.  Her single-minded career driven aspirations were commendable, but so were her eventual desires to add a little something more to her daily routine.  It was so much fun WATCHING her try out the different heroine personas in search of her literary match...note I said WATCHING because I seriously doubt many of us would be willing to try it in real life.  The outcomes of the set ups ranged from laughable to companionable, stalker-ish to creepy, but the dating pool is filled with a range of characters, why shouldn't they appear even when seemingly guided by "the masters"?  

In the end, I had a great time with this girly bunch, and a few laughs at the expense of our lead, but I think she'll forgive me.  The moral of the is great but forcing it, not so much.  There's no one-size-fits-all mold, even Mr. Darcy, that's gonna work for EVERY gal, nor Barbie-esque figure for every guy.  The heart wants what the heart wants and the sooner we learn to listen to what it whisipers, the closer we'll be to our own golden brick road to happiness.


About the author...

Laura Briggs

Laura Briggs is a professional writer whose debut short work from Pelican Book Group "Only in Novels" garnered attention in the book review world and with fans of both Christian and contemporary romance. Since then, she has continued publishing novels both traditionally and independently and both Christian and mainstream Sweet Romance, as well as co-authoring a series of Grimm-esque fantasy-themed fairytale retellings known as The Dark Woods Trilogy.

Best known for secular contemporary romances "The Wedding Caper" and "Late to the Wedding", Briggs's latest releases include the Regency-inspired lighthearted romance "Dear Miss Darcy" as well as a return to her Inspirational Romance roots with the playful but poignant "Ghosts of Romances Past" from Pelican Book Group. When not writing, she reads, relaxes, and spends time with her cats and dogs



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Special thanks to Laura Briggs for the ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or her other works, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so seek thee out a copy on a virtual bookshelf of your choosing.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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