Friday, December 16, 2016


Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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Well, it's almost here.  Christmas Day is only NINE DAYS AWAY!  Can you believe it?  Where in the world did December run off to?  Speaking of which, I bet those of you with kiddos in your day-to-day life, have been keeping track of the holiday's approach even more so than I, and a good portion of them with the assistance of a particular Santa's helper.

Image ring any bells?  Why yes!  It's that little guy or girl that likes to shelf sit and report back to the jolly old elf about your behavior, or lack thereof, so he knows whether to bring toys or coal on Christmas Eve.  Fun stuff, right?  Umm, about that.  Color me too-old-for-the-trend but I never really could get behind this particular lingering holiday fad.  I mean, it's sort of manipulative, no?  You're basically "promising" that the guy who sees you when you're sleeping is going to find out about every little thing you do first hand from a semi-stuffed cute-ish spy sitting in your house.  Personally, not the route I would take on the parenting path....HOWEVER, there is a new game in town and this one, I totally stand behind...and guess what?  He's looking for recruits!  Ready or not, here comes today's book of choice...

Mission: Christmas
Tyler Knott Gregson & Sarah Linden
Illustrated by
Piper Thibodeau

I figured I'd let the "experts" share a little about the book first because honestly, they said it best!  Now from my side of the thought parade, let me just say that the book was SO CUTE!  From cover to cover, you're bombarded with delightful images that keep you entertained while you relish the power of imagination used to reveal the super-secret NPN organization that Santa has been craftily using ALL THESE YEARS!  I knew we was totally awesome but even that much awesomeness needs a helping hand or hands at times. Thus we have, the North Pole Ninjas...

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To me, this was one COOL club that while its missions focused on the month of December, can be continued throughout the year (and it's suggested as much in the text!)!  I love how the ninja aspects of honor and secrecy are worked in so that your little (and big...there's no requirement of littleness to join this awesome team!) ones get the thrill of the sneak but with the best and most generous of outcomes.  The missions are pre-printed on easy tear sheets to be left about the house or chosen as you see fit, and suggest heart-warming things to be done for others.  Make cookies with your parents and deliver them to a neighbor.  Go through your clothes/toys and those you've outgrown, share with those in need.  Pick up your room without being asked.  Get up a little earlier and offer to assist your family with getting ready.  I mean, they may seem mundane and everyday, but you know what?  Sometimes the most treasured gestures are those that came as a complete surprise from the most everyday of activities, and while they seem small to you, seem the world to the recipient...and you get your very own little Santa Sensei to join you on your holiday cheer endeavors!

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So, if you think you're ready to take the oath and promise to spread good will, cheer, smiles, and laughs the whole year through, JOIN US!  Now accepting new recruits and Santa's Sensei is all ears to hear how you want to help!  Remember to share your #NorthPoleNinja mission stories on social media with the special hashtag so all the other ninjas can stay abreast of your progress this holiday season and throughout the new year!  Let's bring the joy back to the season and spread that love around so we can all have a very Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or other holiday you may be celebrating!).


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Special thanks to Chelsea at Penguin Young Readers for the set for review.  (THANKS!)  This title is available now via Grosset & Dunlap in an awesome little gift set, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely ready to take the oath.

    I was brought up believing a smile and a cheery hello cost nothing but can make a lonely person feel less lonely, a person who feels invisible acknowledged.
