Sunday, January 29, 2017

Storybook Sunday: Paddington by Michael Bond

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

If you haven't stopped by on a Sunday this year, then this is all new to you; if you have, you know I love you, right? ^-^  THIS is STORYBOOK SUNDAY.  My reading takes me through many highways and byways, up ways and down ways, side ways and slant ways...and if you're flashing back to a certain owner of a chocolate factory, than you're GOOD.  Seriously though, I'll read whatever catches my attention and the land of Storybooks has some SERIOUSLY AMAZING TALENT!  While they are good to read any day, time, or place, I wanted to create a special zone of sorts for it here on my site, thus Storybook Sunday.  So get comfortable, and prepare to launch into a land of childlike wonder fit for all ages.  

Today's selection is an oldie but a goody, however despite the length of time it's been out, I hadn't actually READ it.  I wonder how many of you will be in the same marmalade laden boat.  Ready or not, here comes today's storybook of choice...

Michael Bond
Illustrated by
R.W. Alley
HarperCollins Children's Books

Digging the combo there?  So was I!  The book and the bear came from the Kohl's Cares program as a Christmas gift from my parents to me.  You see, I sent a few of these bears across the states and the ocean myself this holiday because I just couldn't "bear" to not share the joy seeing him in all his adorable "please-look-after-this-bear"-ness brought to me.  Reading is a joy that's meant to be are the cuddly critters that go along with it.  ^-^

Now, Paddington has been around for quite some time, but as I said, I hadn't actually READ his story until now.  It was a surprise to me (and yet not, because it IS a storybook, not a novel) how much the initial storybook covers of his life, or rather how much it does not.  This first book is more of an introduction between Paddington, the Browns, and readers.  We get to revel in the adorable illustrations that depict this furry little guy in all his toggle coat and red hat glory.  He's polite, friendly, and really craving a marmalade sandwich after his journey from darkest Peru...*yawn*...but that's a story for another day (or rather book).  It was great to make his acquaintance and, though short in length and story, definitely leaves you with a desire to really get to know this little guy.  Good thing there are further adventures to explore.


Image result for thanks!

Review copy from my own personal library (thanks Mom!) is the bear.  (~waves to Paddington~)  For more information on this title or the series, seek thee out a bookstore, library, or online retailer of your choosing...and don't forget the adorable movie that came out a few years back!  Links provided above for your exploration.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely marvelous yes you and the book also agree the movie is a must see we should never grow so old that we lose that childlike wonder keeps you young
