Thursday, August 31, 2017

Henry & Me by Sasha Clinton

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
I know, I know...another post?  Yep, another post.  What can I say?  There are just SO MANY amazing books out there to discover that sometimes a little over scheduling may occur.  No worries.  It just means YOU have more to read when you visit.  ^-^  Anywho...

Today, we're shining the light on the latest title from a new-to-me author.  It's a Contemporary Romance that tries to play matchmaker with a wannabe starlet and an engineering brain...with interesting results.  Ready to discover the molecular weight of uranium?  No?  Oh good, because that's SO not why I'm here...but if you're ready to meet today's book of choice, it'll appear below in 3...2...1...

Henry & Me


About the book...
When we were in college, Henry Stone asked me out and I shot him down in the most humiliating way possible.  He was a nerd and I was the golden girl of the theatre society, destined to make it big in Hollywood, so how could there be anything between us?

Now six years later, as an out-of-work actress who has to take on a housekeeping job to stay afloat, I run into him again—and boy, has he made it big.  As I begin to clean his house and take care of his precocious nephew, I realize how wrong I was about him. He’s sexy, smart, kind, everything I never though he would be. 

But I have demons that he can’t fight. Demons that keep me away from love.
One thing’s for sure: This housekeeper-gig is going to be the hardest role of my life.


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Sometimes things aren't what they seem...and then there are other times when they are EXACTLY what they seem, no matter how much you wish they weren't.  Such is the case with Henry & Me...or rather Henry and Max...

The latter part of that statement is how we high school with different areas of interest and one crushing on the other, in this case he on she because while the limelight loves her, he's more of a background attention non-seeker.  Too bad because he's really a great guy and Max, well...honestly, she had her head too far in the clouds to even know which way was up or down.  Really, I could not have cared less about her...she was THAT irritating.  *ugh*  Henry, on the other hand, I had a soft spot for.  He seemed nice, kind, and it took real gumption to approach Max one-on-one.  I felt for him when he left "her majesty's presence" wounded...but cheered madly when we flashed forward to the here and now.  Why the change in emotions?  For one thing, he did well for himself and deserves the cheering.  Secondly, the proverbial tables have been turned, but he still has that heart of gold and chooses to not lord  his change in status over the fallen, in this case Max.  Good thing too because her non-star status isn't a matter of a lack of talent, but of an unfortunate choice along the way that let darkness into her life, changing her from a confident star in the making to someone who second guesses almost everything, including matters of the heart.

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The path these two take from teen years to adulthood is riddled with more potholes than a road crew could ever fix.  From partner abuse to rejection, unfulfilled dreams to health scares, there are many more facets to this story than at first you might glean.  On the other hand, there was some disconnect for me with Max and the events she endured, as well as the relationship (or lack thereof) between her and Henry.  I just never fully settled into a good relationship with everyone in order to be fully content.  Still, it had its merits and moments...especially some of the side characters like Lucien (the little devil/angel!) there is definitely something there. 

In the end, it was unusual in the pairing, yet had a good bit of character growth shown, along with some unexpected dark issues stared down, but I'm not certain I was fully sold. What will you discover between the pages?  Only one person can answer that.... ^-^


About the author...

Sasha Clinton discovered romance novels at the age of thirteen and has been addicted to the genre ever since. After getting a degree in Chemical Engineering and realizing that there was no way she could ever be an engineer, she decided to follow her passion and write romance novels. Sasha has lived in New Delhi, Melbourne, Manchester and Boston and continues to move frequently. But wherever she is, she’s hard at work on her next book. 



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Special thanks to author Sasha Clinton for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or her other works, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now in "e" and "tree" formats, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to order your copy today.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!


1 comment:

  1. Loving the cover but alas that's about as far as it goes. Sorry but this book just isn't shouting 'read me'.
