Sunday, August 13, 2017

STORYBOOK SUNDAY goes Back to School with Disney Hyperion, Penguin Kids, and Brightly!

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.

Today, we've got a good bit of bookish fun all aimed at the coming toll of the bell signaling the start of, you guessed it, a new school year.  Can you believe it's already that time again?  I know I can't and I don't even have any kiddos to send off!  Just seems like the summer days moved quicker than usual this year, but that doesn't mean a sad face should appear...especially for the kiddos...because there is still more fun to be had both in and out of the classroom.  First up, we're shining the spotlight on TWO titles that you won't want to miss...

Illustrated by
Disney Hyperion

Charlie and Norman are inseparable, except for those pesky hours they have to spend apart when Charlie's in school.  He can't help but think how perfect Norman's life is without all the worries, nagging, learning, and homework that plague his own.  What if they could trade places?  Wouldn't that be AMAZING?  Um...rain check?  Just kidding...sort of.  As it turns out, Norman is about to be granted a wish he never asked for, while Charlie learns a lesson (or twelve) he won't forget.

It's a great twist on the Freaky Friday story we've seen played out in many ways...but this is certainly a way I've never experienced it.  Can you imagine?  Trading places with your dog?  Sounds ideal in some ways...endless love, treats whenever you want them, sleep and play all day...but then there's the lack of true voice, outdoor housing, and running around on all fours.  Yeah...I think I'd have to pass, but Charlie thinks he'll be living the life, and sometimes the best lesson of all is experience.

A cute title that gently reminds readers that school (and parents) are there for a reason, to help us learn and grow, and with those lessons learned, we are well on our way to a bright future where our choices can be respected and our voices heard.

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Twinderella, A Fractioned Fairy Tale by Corey Rosen Schwartz

Illustrated by
G.P. Putnam and Sons

This is the story you never heard about the twin you didn't know existed that discovered the best things in life were meant to be shared...or halved...or in thirds...or fourths.  You get the drift....

Math takes a front seat in this fraction loving fairy tale, but the story is still superb!  Cinderella is the sister we know that dreams of meeting her prince and living happily ever after.  Tinderella is the mystery twin who enjoys puzzles, riddles, and dreams of twice the space!  Hey, you would too if you were sharing one half the nightmare that the stepmother and stepsisters create...but their true blue hearts of gold speak loud and clear, causing their fairy godmother to appear!  Dresses for two, and chance at a new start, but whatever to do about the ONE prince's heart? A conundrum for sure, but nothing our fairy godmother can't handle...

It's a fancy dance through the tale we know with a new twist and the edutainment factor really ups the appeal as well as the audience introducing kiddos to the higher powers of math in a less than scary way.  Early exposure is definitely a way to help instill a love of the subject rather than support an unfounded fear.  A high recommendation for readers of all ages and the perfect add to your home or classroom the pull out poster is great wall flair with added activities!


I don't know about you, but I simply adore a good Storybook!  It doesn't matter the time, the place, the age, or the audience, there is something to be enjoyed, discovered, and otherwise marveled at within.  

Image result for pass the book

Those sentiments don't JUST apply to that genre though, because although we start our reading days there, as time passes, our reading level increases and our horizons are broadened both in life and reading.  It can be hard to know where to go next after finishing a book, or series, but as adults, we got this.  If you're just growing your reading repertoire and you're the reader, can start a panic, even more so when you're the parent or educator entrusted to guide that next step.  That, my friends, is where Brightly comes in!

Image result for Brightly logo

Brightly is the Penguin Random House site dedicated to helping parents, teachers, librarians, and just about everyone with kids in their lives grow readers. Brightly offers book recommendations from all publishers for every age and stage, reading tips, author essays, and much more.

As another school year takes off, now's the perfect time if ever there was one to discover Brightly’s Back to School Essentials, a curated collection of content chock full of great reads and helpful insights to help kids, parents, and teachers prepare for the year ahead.  A few of the highlights...

Image result for stack of booksTips and advice, including books to get kids excited for the new school year, ease first day jitters, and help children make new friends.

Book lists for every grade level from Elementary to Middle and all the way through High School.

PLUS free, downloadable pack of school-themed printables and activities!

Visit Brightly’s Back to School Essentials to access the complete selection of content.

Now that we've established the AWESOMENESS that awaits readers, educators, and parents alike at this fabulous bookish site, it's time to give you a chance to get in on the fun with a GIVEAWAY!

That's right.
Thanks to the fab folks at Brightly (I'm looking at you, Milena!), you have a chance to win a Brightly tote bag and TWO Penguin Random House titles featured in their lists (winner's choice!).  What fun!  So, which ones would you choose (the titles below are just a sampling!)?  Better start thinking...

...because the choices are many but the days to enter are few!

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below!
Entries accepted through midnight CST, August 25th, 2017.
U.S. only; no P.O. Boxes please.
Winner will be selected, emailed, and have 48 hours to respond with their full name, mailing address, and chosen titles, which I will forward to the publisher for prize send out.  If no response is received in the time frame given, a new winner will be chosen.  SFIR is not responsible for lost prizes.

Special thanks to the Disney Hyperion, and Penguin Kids teams for the copies for review and to Milena for the chance to spotlight Brightly for the masses as well as the awesome contest prize. (THANKS!) For more information on these titles, the authors, the publishers, or the site, click through the links provided above.  Dog Days of School is available now, but add Twinderella to your wish list, calendar, or pre-order your copy as it hits store shelves September 5th, 2017!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!


  1. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway which is perfect and delightful. Corduroy Goes to School and Kindergarten, Here I come! are both very special. Thanks.

  2. i would pick Frazzled, and a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book for my boys. Amy (Guillaume) Linderman.

  3. I would choose dog days of school and corduroy goes to school!
