Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

The Hazel Wood (The Hazel Wood, #1)The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was one CRAZY story, and I mean that in the best way possible, but be sure to keep your head about you or you may end up lost to the Hinterland!

Alice is our leading lady. Just another teen trying to get by with a mother that loves her fiercely and bad luck that follows them everywhere. Sounds great, right? Yeah, no. Every time they seem to falling into a comfortable pattern, something goes wrong. Whether epic or mundane, it matters not, the result is the same...they pick up and get out of dodge. One day, they receive a letter that a relative passed away, and while you'd think tears would be shed, they were of joy not sadness because according to Alice's mother, they were finally free. But WERE they? I mean, did the bad luck stem from their existence or that of someone else's and the why still remains too? So many questions and so few least in this world. It seems the dark fairy tales that the dearly departed penned are perhaps more than fantasy and fiction with flair. Now, they may be the only way for Alice to discover what's truly behind their family's rotten luck, and just maybe finally be free...

There is a lot of suspended belief needed to fully immerse yourself in this one, but IS fiction with quite a lot of fairy tale fantasy (even if it's not filled with sleeping princesses and singing dwarfs), so that kind of goes with the territory. Once things get really in depth and the characters existences start coming to light, as well as her as well as her mother's past, that's when things get really curious...but if you can hang on just a bit longer, you'll find an ending that will satisfy even if it doesn't completely least for now. Hey, it lists as BOOK 1, meaning there should be more to come!

**from my personal library

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