Thursday, May 9, 2019

Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours presents... PROM-WRECKED by Jennifer DiGiovanni & T.H. Hernandez - EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we welcome Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours for a stop along their current promotion featuring a NEW RELEASE title via Entangled Teen.  It's a Young Adult book that from the sound of things has a lot more excitement story wise than simply a prom getting wrecked.  I mean there's jail time, prom committees, legacies, and SO much more that sounds like a good time!  So, if you're ready to add to your summer reading list, take a gander at today's title in the spotlight...

Jennifer DiGiovanni & T.H. Hernandez
Entangled Teen
RELEASE DATE:  05/06/19

About the book...
Their prom night ended in a jail cell with forty of their closest friends. But that’s hardly the worst thing that happened to them…

When the principal announces prom is canceled this year, senior Riley Hart is determined to save it. Armed with little more than her own enthusiasm, she ends up working closely with Owen Locklear, who is more than completely off-limits. Because he’s the boyfriend of her ex-BFF, Catherine Reed. Still, Owen knows Riley better than almost anyone, and his charming ideas for turning the prom upside-down and backward win Riley over.

Catherine is willing to join Owen and Riley on the prom committee, but only because her legacy as prom queen is at stake. She’s already suffocating under the weight of her parents’ expectations for after senior year, and compared to that, ensuring prom happens should be easy. At least until everything starts to go wrong.

First they lose their deposit. Then they book a band full of octogenarians. And lose their venue... Twice.

Riley will have an unforgettable teenage experience, damn it, if it’s the last thing she does…

Amazon | Amazon Australia | Amazon UK

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~~~ EXCERPT ~~~


I order a coffee for the road and head across the parking lot before turning left onto the main thoroughfare in front of Starbucks.

My thoughts turn to my ever-growing list of things to do, but after my call with Owen, finding potential prom sponsors gets knocked to the top. The scent of warm cinnamon wafts from the bakery across the street, giving me an idea. I grab my phone and snap a picture of the large gilded window stocked with tiered plates displaying this afternoon’s fresh baked goods. Then I turn to my right and capture the phone number screen printed across the blue and white striped awning above Hamilton Custom Tees. Farther down is Riley’s parents’ photography studio, and beyond that is the simple, yet elegant storefront of Posies & Petals.

Wrapped up in capturing the names and phone numbers of local business I hope will be sympathetic to our cause, I don’t notice a car slowing beside me until a voice calls out, “Need a lift?”

Startled, I turn to find Jordon Oswald in an ancient monstrosity of a car making so much noise, I can’t believe he snuck up on me. His lanky frame is hunched, wrists resting atop the steering wheel. He shakes his head to get his dark blond hair out of his eyes.

“Um, sure?”

Jordon is your basic nerd, but we’ve done several school plays and musicals together, and he’s a decent guy. He reaches a long arm across the front seat and opens the door for me. I climb in and search for a cup holder to put my drink in, but there doesn’t seem to be one.

“Here,” Jordon says, reaching for my cup.

I hand it to him and grab for a seat belt, coming up empty-handed.

Jordon chuckles. “It’s just a lap belt. Down on your right.”

Good lord, what have I gotten myself into? This is a death trap. My fingers fumble with the buckle, which is similar to the ones on airplanes, and tighten it until I can barely breathe. Jordon hands me back my cup, and I grip it with my left hand while I grab onto the armrest on the door with my right. The car rumbles even louder when Jordon presses the gas pedal.

“What is this thing?” I ask, inclining my head toward the dash so he knows I mean the car.

“This thing is a pristine 1966 Pontiac GTO. And her name is Sarah.”

“Ohh-kay.” Duly noted. His nerdiness has just hit a new level.

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About the authors...

Jennifer DiGiovanni writes light fantasy and contemporary fiction for teens. You can find out more about her books by visiting or following her on Instagram or Twitter @jendwrites.


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T.H. Hernandez is a young adult author of six novels, spanning the contemporary, post-global warming/dystopian, and urban scifi genres. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband, three kids, and a zoo-worthy collection of animals. Her latest release, PROM-WRECKED, was co-written with Jennifer DiGiovanni and releases May 2019 from Entangled Teen.

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A Prom-Care essential package...
...or if an international winner wins, a $25 gift card!

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Special thanks to MaryAnn at Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, THIS TOUR, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Entangled Teen, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for joining in the blog tour for Prom-Wrecked!
