Sunday, May 26, 2019

RRR presents... BELTANE BLISS by Lilliana Rose - SPOTLIGHT + EXCERPT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining Rachel's Random Resources for a stop along their current tour featuring the latest release from author Lilliana Rose.  We're sharing the "what's it all about" along with a slightly scandalous excerpt sure to bring a bit of blush to your cheeks from what sounds like a curious start to the new Pagan Pleasures series.  So, if you're game, and you know I am, let's get this party started!  Please welcome today's title in the spotlight...

Beltane Bliss
Pagan Pleasures, Book 1
Lilliana Rose

About the book...
Edi Court is training to be a modern-day white witch, her unique ability is healing. Emotionally wounded from her ex, Anto, she has run away from the covenant with a need to heal herself. Following her psychic ability, she finds herself south, along the coast from Melbourne Australia, where she decides to set up her own healing shop, Crystal Sands.

Voltaire is a down to earth guy, a plumber by trade, he believes only what he sees in the physical world. The loss of his mom and sister to breast cancer and his ex, who stole his money and left him with a debt to work off, has caused him to close his heart.

Can Edi stop herself from rescuing another man and landing in deep water? Or with the Beltane energies thick in the air, can this be the start of a new relationship between two wounded souls?

Volt must become a believer in the Magiks and allow his heart to heal. And Edi must learn to trust herself again.

Will a non-believer and a believer find love over Beltane?



~~~ EXCERPT ~~~

In the moment, Edi decided to go for a swim at the beach, and since she didn’t have swimmers, well she’s gone in starkers! After all, there was no one else at the beach. She was hoping the swim would clear her mind, especially how it was reacting to the rather sexy Volt.

Edi looked up shocked to see someone swimming toward her.
I’m naked.
Panic rose within her. As the person came closer she realized it was a male, and she became really worried. Edi moved to the shallower water, hoping they would stay in the deeper water and maybe not even notice her. But she could tell from the strokes they weren’t paying attention.
Then she realized who it was. Volt. While she couldn’t quite see him, she sensed his energy. It was already affecting her.
How was this even possible?
For a dirty moment, she thought maybe it was a good thing, after all the thoughts she’d had of him all day and what she really wanted to do with him.
Hot sex. And lots of it. Now.
She ducked under the water, hoping the coolness would dampen her desires. It didn’t. She resurfaced with a gasp.
Maybe he won’t see me?
She lay low, keeping her head just above the water.
He was coming too close. Edi rolled her lips trying to think of what to do. It was becoming evident he was going to come too close and notice she was stark naked.
“Hey, Volt,” she yelled out.
He stopped swimming abruptly and looked up.
She waved.
He waved back then started to come toward her.
“Stay there,” she shouted at him.
He looked confused. “Why?”
Despite the cool water she felt her cheeks flush with heat. “Just stay there, please, don’t come too close to me.”
He swam a little closer.
“Volt, I mean it.” There was panic thick in her voice. He can’t see me like this. A small part of herself wanted to know why not, but she didn’t listen to that part.
“All right, all right.” He stopped. The water wasn’t too deep for him, so he stood up, revealing his awesome sexy chest which had water streaming down it.
She cursed the Beltane energies that were building up inside her. She’d been trying to ignore them all day.
“You know I won’t hurt you.” He didn’t move any closer. “Seriously, I wouldn’t.”
Edi detected he was a little hurt at the idea she didn’t want him closer as he might be some sort of monster. If only he knew.
“I know you wouldn’t,” she said softly. She moved her arms back and forth to keep herself balanced, so only her neck and above was showing. A stronger waver moved over her, revealing her shoulders.
“What! Are you naked or something?” He chuckled.
“What!” He looked surprised. “It’s not that sort of beach, you know.”
“I know.”
“That sort of makes it worse.”
She could tell he was enjoying this just a little too much.


About the author...

Lilliana [Rose] is an Amazon Bestselling author, who writes romance in the subgenres of contemporary, paranormal, steampunk, and rural. She enjoys helping characters overcome problems, or issues, and the misunderstandings that often plague relationships, to help them fall in love. Whether it city heels being replaced with country work boots, or some magic beyond this world, or cogs and gears and corsets, each story shows how love can prevail.

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Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this reveal to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour as it makes its way through the blogosphere...

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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