Tuesday, June 4, 2019

RRR presents... THE JUMBLE SALE by Lily Rose!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining Rachel's Random Resources for a stop along their current tour featuring a Middle Grade Fantasy release that not only is a lot of fun, but teaches us a few things along the way in most unexpected ways.  Oh and it's the official BOOK BIRTHDAY, so yeah...party hats on!  Are you game?  GREAT!  Let's get to it because it's not every day that you get to meet a fabulous bunch of misfit monsters like this group.  Ready or not, today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice is...

Lily Rose

About the book...
Zadi is part zombie, part fairy with a little bit of robot, which makes her a misfit monster. She lives with other misfit monsters, with their quirky parts in their makeshift town. They survive by hunting at the nearby hunting grounds taking items discarded by humans and making them into something useful. Hunting is risky because they could be captured by humans. Zadi is an excellent hunter and maker, but now she’s finding it difficult.

  Something unusual has happened. There have been no new deliveries to the hunting grounds. This means there are no new items which can be used to recycle into something useful, and they are beginning to worry and fight with each other. 

Can Zadi come up with a plan which will help the misfit monsters and bring them together as a community?

 Enter the world of the misfit monsters, their quirky lives, and be part of their fun and adventures.


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Welcome to the world of the Misfit Monsters!
Ever feel just left of center?  Have a family heritage as checkered as a hand-stitched quilt?  This is just the place for you because there's no judging, no stereotyping, no overbearing leaders that think they know everything and can tell everyone what to do...oh, wait...okay, so maybe a SMIDGE of that last part, but still!  They are open to every being, and celebrate their differences, while living in virtual harmony...a kinda sorta version of paradise, right?  Right...mostly...kinda.  *ahem*

Okay, so it really is a great place they have here, and for the most part they respect one another knowing their differences are a part of them, but not what make them THEM.  One day, a controversy is thrown into the mix...you see, they create the world they live in, the community they've built, with the refuse gathered from the human world (definitely a "one person's trash is another person's treasure" sort of situation, and they make it work!), but no new "deliveries" are putting a severe crinkle in their daily plans...not to mention the fact that some are suffering from "I-saw-it-first-so-its-mine" syndrome in the extreme.  What's a fabulously friendly and inventive zombie/fairy/robot to do?  Well ,you can rest assured that Zadi has got it all in hand...if she can just get her courage to stick long enough to carry  it through!

I really liked this introduction to the series a lot more than I even thought I would...and if you're one of those that think Middle Grade Fantasy can't teach you anything, think again.  I love the fact that no two persons are the same (talk about an inclusive cast!), the favorable message of upcycling as well as "waste not want not" (hello nod to environmentally sound living!), and the fact that while they may not always see eye to eye, they're willing to work towards a better tomorrow together (even if they might have needed just a tad of convincing!).  Zadi  is a fabulous leading lady, and the fact that she can admit that while she's very handy, she DOES need the help of her friends goes a long way in making her the dependable, upstanding, and fantastic citizen of the misfit monster community...and stands to reason why the others were willing to give her new ideas a chance!

In the end, I had a good time at the Jumble Sale, as I'm sure the other monsters did as well, and gathered all I needed to conclude that this is one promising series Middle Grade fans should be looking forward to seeing more of.

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About the author...

 Lily Rose enjoys world building and creating characters for these unusual worlds. She enjoyed creating the misfit monsters world, and is looking forward to writing more of their adventures.

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 Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour as it makes its way through the blogosphere...

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my book The Jumble Sale :)
