Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Magical Holiday Reading with Canterbury Classics and Thunder Bay Press!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

So, are you ready for the holidays?
I mean, we've got about 6/7 days until the big event and...yeah, it's a bit hectic in my neck of the woods, so I'm assuming I'm not the only one.  (Right?)  Well, whether we're ready or not, it's coming, and with that in mind, if you're still wondering what to get the bookish people in your life, I may just have the thing for you.  That's right, today we're adding a dose of MAGIC to your holiday lists with TWO special titles set to enchant, delight, and, in my case, challenge the crafty side of you.  Both came to my attention thanks to the fabulous Casey over at Media Masters Publicity (THANK YOU!) and now I shall share their wonder with you!  First up...a gift for the Tolkien fan in your life...

What's that I see nestled beneath the tree?  (Okay, so there's no tree in the picture, but you're a reader; use your imagination!) Why it's a...

...GORGEOUS copy of An Encyclopedia of Tolkien:  The History of Mythology That Inspired Tolkien's World by David Day (ISBN:  978-1645170099), in stores now via Canterbury Classics! 

This leather bound edition with gold edging on the pages and a ribbon bookmarker will not only make the hearts of Tolkienites beat a little faster for the wealth of knowledge it holds between it's pages, but the magnificent visual it provides when displayed on their shelf or table.  *stares at it dreamily*  _ahem_  Anywho, back the what we were discussing...

With every turn of the page, you dive deeper and deeper into the worlds Tolkien created, and while some will want to read it cover to cover, you also have the convenience of simply turning to the character or place you want to know more about alphabetically.  BONUS FACT:  Alongside most passages (or immediately following on the next full page spread), there are FULLY DETAILED black and white illustrations bringing the subject to (often times SCARY!) life right there on the page.  I included two candid shots above, pardon my less-than-fabulous camera phone's abilities, just so you could get an idea of what you're in store for.  Do you see the full on MAGIC the artist created?  So a double win not only adds beauty to your collection but it also adds even more depth to the Tolkien world! 


Now, on to the next MAGICAL HOLIDAY READING item on our list, and this time,  we're casting our gaze skyward as we look for a certain snowy white owl bringing news from the Wizarding World of a certain Mr. H. Potter, thanks to a new licensing partnership between Thunder Bay Press and Warner Bros...

It's a gift perfect for the burgeoning wizard in your life, or the able fingered crafter who loves a challenge!  Right out of the box... has everything you need to crochet your very own Harry Potter doll, including the colored yarn, a MAGIC WAND crochet hook, thread for the stitches, eyes (the better to see you with...sorry, couldn't resist!), and stuffing to give them a little more body.  

Seriously, it's a full color book with stitch guides to learn the lingo, and enough crafty designs to make your own crochet Hogwarts crew complete with robes, brooms, and more!  I know, I know...I was SUPER STOKED too. So, with my choices being Harry or Dobby, I set out to make the latter and, well...

...okay, so you see that little black sock-like crochet thingy attached to my crochet wand (hook)?  Yeah...that's the only bit that managed to survive my critical eye; the rest I reversed my stitches because yeah, let's just say I'm not apparently as talented at crocheting as I was once upon a time.  *ahem*  Still, the magic was felt, the ideas were mind blowing, and I'm sure the results (given time, patience, and/or more talent than mine) would be astounding!

So there you have it, a few ideas on how to add a little more MAGIC to your holiday reading (and crafting!) this season and a few more ways to share that joy with the ones you love!


Special thanks to Casey at Media Masters Publicity for the chance to bring these items to the top of your must have lists this holiday season and to the publishers for the copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on either title, feel free to click though the links provided above, and be on the lookout for them this shopping season when out and about!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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