Friday, May 8, 2020


Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're playing host to a stop along Rachel's Random Resources current tour featuring a NEW RELEASE via Boldwood Books!  It's a Romantic Comedy that will not only flutter the heart but touch your bookish soul...and if it sounds like I'm waxing on poetically about utter nonsense, think again.  Ready or not, here comes today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

The Hopes and Dreams of Libby Quinn
Freya Kennedy
Boldwood Books

About the book...
A gorgeous new romantic comedy about taking chances and realizing your dreams.

Libby Quinn is sick and tired of being sensible.

After years of slogging her guts out for nothing at a PR company, she finds herself redundant and about to plough every last penny of her savings into refurbishing a ramshackle shop and making her dream of owning her own bookshop become a reality.

She hopes opening 'Once Upon A Book' on Ivy Lane will be the perfect tribute to her beloved grandfather who instilled a love of reading and books in her from an early age.

When her love life and friendships become even more complicated – will Libby have the courage to follow her dreams? Or has she bitten off more than she can chew?


You know how much you love books about books, right?  Well this is another one to add to that ever growing list of titles that really GETS the way book lovers feel.  The feelings, the power, the magic, the ability to transport you anywhere anytime at a moments notice to somewhere anywhere else without having even left your favorite reading nook.  The connections we make not only with the stories themselves, but the people in our lives that brought us to them, or shared in the moments within the pages, or simply created a memory that can be recalled instantly the moment we lay eyes on that bound text.

Libby Quinn is us and we are she...grant it, one might hope for a little more at times, but is anyone's life perfect?  No, not really...the best we can hope for the is courage, the passion, the drive, the stamina to reach for what we dream, and the friends and loved ones there by our sides to pull us up when we fall, and celebrate our highs.  As soon I began the prologue, I knew this was the book for me.  The tender moment shared with her grandfather warmed my heart, spoke to my bookish nature, and captured my mind.  Though Libby's story continues, her grandfather is never truly gone, and their special connection helps her to build her dreams into reality.  I felt like I was actually seeing the 'Once Upon A Book' shop and walking Ivy Lane...I mean, it even sounds magical describing it...and though I knew it wasn't possible to reach out and swipe a title from the shelves, it didn't mean it felt any less real.

From tragedy in more ways than one to uphill heart enriching climb, Libby makes her way to her own happy ending of which both she and we can be proud. Celebrate your love of books with a fellow dreamer, and follow your bookish heart to the perfect read for your next escape between the pages. 


About the author...

Freya Kennedy lives in Derry, Northern Ireland, with her husband, two children, two cats and a mad dog called Izzy. She worked as a journalist for eighteen years before deciding to write full time. When not writing, she can be found reading, hanging out with her nieces and nephews, cleaning up after her children (a lot) and telling her dog that she loves her. 

She has met Michael Buble and even kissed him. It was one of her best ever moments.

She believes in happy ever afters.

Freya Kennedy is a pen name for Claire Allan, who also writes psychological thrillers.

(CLICK HERE to sign up for her newsletter!)



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Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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